Forum Discussion

Fightguy92's avatar
New Rookie
3 hours ago

For Info purposes: P1 removes majority of Executor counters for newer players

I know the majority of attention is going to how Punishing One is affecting top tier meta (and rightly so). But just for your awareness: for people playing less than 2 years there are preciously few things they can field against an Executor. The few available counters require a lot of learning and most of them are unreliable at best. 

The introduction of P1 reduces the viability of the Negotiator counter (with Tie Advanced), the Malevolence counter (with imp Tie) and the Finalizer counter to... zero. Effectively making a hard cut in fleet arena & GAC between people that have exec/levi/profu, and people that do not.

Basically the message to anyone not already at end-game is: don't bother with anything other than these 3 fleets that can take years to reach and are locked behind R9 and Conquest toons because anything else will not get you crystals.

I don't really see how this is going to motivate people to progress and keep new players engaged, but maybe I'm wrong?

  • Rius_975518199's avatar
    Seasoned Adventurer

    I think it’s fortunate that executor is the most accessible. I unlocked it alongside my first GL at approx 3M so it is as accessible as first order. 

    So whilst profundity and Levi are more difficult to obtain this ships does strengthen the most accessible of the three.