6 years ago
Force Balance Daily Activity Quest?
EDIT: I am a doofus and there is a one liner in the update notes about it, feel free to close this thread.
Is this a new addition? (Did I miss it in the update notes?)
Or will this replace the old 3 light and 3 dark side battles per day Quest?
Not a huge deal either way, it just landed when I was down to having 3 Juhani and 1 Xanadu Blood nodes to farm for the day (plus my arena fights to complete my dailies) and then my energy goes into rebuild mode so I am right at 140-142 at daily reset (and having spent all my 50 crystal refreshes), but I can always do a few 6 energy missions for that green piece that goes into a stun gun - but it does upset my Balance in the Force as to the optimized energy expenditure routine I have been doing...
Is this a new addition? (Did I miss it in the update notes?)
Or will this replace the old 3 light and 3 dark side battles per day Quest?
Not a huge deal either way, it just landed when I was down to having 3 Juhani and 1 Xanadu Blood nodes to farm for the day (plus my arena fights to complete my dailies) and then my energy goes into rebuild mode so I am right at 140-142 at daily reset (and having spent all my 50 crystal refreshes), but I can always do a few 6 energy missions for that green piece that goes into a stun gun - but it does upset my Balance in the Force as to the optimized energy expenditure routine I have been doing...