Forum Discussion

bac0n8ter's avatar
8 years ago

Forum Jokes

Can someone please explain:

The August joke

Chewie shards joke

Thanks in advanced
  • Way back in June (I think) the devs announced that a new AAT tank takedown raid would be released in August.

    August came, August went. No word. In September they told us they were tweaking it. October came and they were still tweaking. It didn't get released until early November I think and they just gave us tournaments in the meantime. So now August means it will probably not happen any time soon, and definitely not when promised.

    The Chewie shards one came after some huge debacle (I think the God-Mod fiasco). A lot of people were really upset and when EA/CG went in to fix it, they seem to have triggered an old bit of code that sent 10 chewie shards to each person's inbox. So people thought they were trying to appease our anger with 10 Chewie shards when everyone knows that Chewie is underwhelming at best. So now Chewie Shards is sort of a symbol of how cheap EA is and how bad they are at fixing mistakes (though they have given us a bunch of crystals in other instances).