Forum Discussion

zmgzejq4ka7a's avatar
Rising Novice
2 months ago

Suggested fixes

While I will wait and see what changes actually occur from the earlier communication before giving CG too many flowers. I do appreciate some acknowledgement from CG that the latest changes might not have landed well with the community, and quicker then most would have expected.

Rather then go over what's already been said, here are a few suggestions to what I believe would help us get on board with the change.

  1. Give us a mute notifications option instead of a load of achievements blocking the screen for character/paid achievements. Or only active when valid.
  2. The first time you complete the episode tracker give us a 'red crate' or something that acts as a meaningful reward and therefore incentive to try and complete. Episode currency feels meaningless and unexciting. 
  3. Daily episode quests need to be achieved daily not complete x amount of marque battles or GC, this is the 1 time of the day where people actively look to engage with the system. Longer challenges are fine but show us what's coming up. I want to be making progress each day and a sense of achievement.
  4. Move to 3 CG 'objectives (can't think of the word). One of these should be complete the battle - on the harder ones just completing the battles expecially when they are tough feels so much better. Make the paid ones show as optional or wording along those lines.
  5. Finally, improve what's in episode store, let us buy 10 of a gear piece can be a reflection of the current prices but helps create player agency.
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