Future Eras
With the current “Era of Apprentices”, the upcoming “Era of The Cavalry”, and Eras clearly being the way things are going forward, I figured I’d ask what other “Eras” would people like to see in the future? Any rough ideas for the theme, and characters. Whether it leads to a journey guide level character, or a new event, that kind of stuff.
I suppose for myself personally I’d like an era of the Jedi Exile (unfortunately due to the structure of eras, I wouldn’t be able to fit all of the remaining Kotor 2 companion characters in) Where the six Marquee characters are related to Meetra Surik, the Jedi Exile’s journey . I personally would choose, Atton Rand, G0-T0, Mandalore the Preserver, Bao-Dur, Mical (The Disciple), and Brianna (Handmaiden). These six would be used to unlock the journey guide level character Meetra Surik.
Alternatively I would maybe like for the holiday episode for the four characters to be the Era of Clone Commandos, where the Marquee characters are the Clone Commandos of Delta squad, where they can be used for some sort of new event.