Forum Discussion

naxqyxvoke4c's avatar
6 years ago

GA needs improved auto deploy

Auto deploy is supposed to make sure that you have some teams to attack in GA, but it appears that if someone sets just one defense the rest of the board will be left empty.
So an auto deploy please be updated to make sure that ALL spots are filled?

  • .
    "GambrinusKluk;d-202816" wrote:
    Auto deploy is supposed to make sure that you have some teams to attack in GA

    I don't think so. Autodeploy is just a convenience feature which fills defense nodes if you forget to do this (or just don't care), or allows you not to do the same job several times before each round. It isn't supposed to dictate how players should use their toons.

    So an auto deploy please be updated to make sure that ALL spots are filled?

    It's a very bad idea. If player deliberately sets something like this on defense he basically says to deploying algorithm "I'm here, don't touch my toons, I did it on purpose".