Forum Discussion

djc_chris's avatar
6 years ago

GAC Matchmaking Mess...

Good evening

I have recently read numerous posts promising that matchmaking has been addressed and match ups are now based on many factors other than overall GP. My simple question then is why with my one gear 13 character have I been matched with someone who has nineteen gear 13 characters?

Coincidentally my opponent happens to have 23 gear 1 level 1 characters and a whole bunch of lower level\gear characters which puts us around even GP. When TB first became a thing as a 2015 starter player I went all in (as advised to do so by devs and game changers) to level and gear all of my roster to help my guild and community thrive in Hoth TB so I have every character unlocked 7 starred and gear 8 minimum.

Nothing infuriates me more than seeing comments like ‘it’s up to players how to develop their rosters and whether to go broad or focussed’ for newer players this is 100% true but for day one players like myself that followed advice given on the release of Hoth TB that everything counts I now find myself placed in matchups I have absolutely no chance whatsoever of winning or even being competitive in so what is the point in even trying

This needs addressing as ok the rewards in this game mode are bad but I actually love the concept and have enjoyed the exhibition modes and had some close battles and a lot of fun but I will not waste my time with something I have zero chance of success with so sorry to my opponent Mace WinDOH bus I will not be participating in his attack phase until these obvious flaws are addressed.

Interested to hear if any other long time players are having the same frustrations