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djc_chris's avatar
6 years ago

GAC Matchmaking Mess...

Good evening

I have recently read numerous posts promising that matchmaking has been addressed and match ups are now based on many factors other than overall GP. My simple question then is why with my one gear 13 character have I been matched with someone who has nineteen gear 13 characters?

Coincidentally my opponent happens to have 23 gear 1 level 1 characters and a whole bunch of lower level\gear characters which puts us around even GP. When TB first became a thing as a 2015 starter player I went all in (as advised to do so by devs and game changers) to level and gear all of my roster to help my guild and community thrive in Hoth TB so I have every character unlocked 7 starred and gear 8 minimum.

Nothing infuriates me more than seeing comments like ‘it’s up to players how to develop their rosters and whether to go broad or focussed’ for newer players this is 100% true but for day one players like myself that followed advice given on the release of Hoth TB that everything counts I now find myself placed in matchups I have absolutely no chance whatsoever of winning or even being competitive in so what is the point in even trying

This needs addressing as ok the rewards in this game mode are bad but I actually love the concept and have enjoyed the exhibition modes and had some close battles and a lot of fun but I will not waste my time with something I have zero chance of success with so sorry to my opponent Mace WinDOH bus I will not be participating in his attack phase until these obvious flaws are addressed.

Interested to hear if any other long time players are having the same frustrations
  • "TVF;c-1951510" wrote:
    It's up to you to improve so that your matches aren't unwinnable.

    He doesn't care for some characters though, improving won't work. Thus there needs to be created a situation the ones he doesn't care for has to be counted out. Or he may go looking for a role playing game too.
  • "OBoogieIII;c-1951497" wrote:
    @Waqui I agree with you. Everyone should be looking to improve their roster between GAC. That’s more or less the only point to this game, right? The only problem is, when you’re out against teams you can’t beat, it takes the fun away from getting ready.

    Right now everyone has to have the same cookie cutter teams, or you can’t compete. I see the same teams every GAC. Everyone places the same teams on defense, I know what I’m facing. For me, the only trouble is, do they place Malak on defense, or not. If they do, I’ve most likely lost, if they don’t, I most likely win.

    You know what to prepare for, then. You know which teams you need to be able to counter. If you can't counter DR yet, work on a team that counters it. Until you have a counter, you will have trouble.

    I think that’s an issue. I don’t feel like one team should be able to control an outcome of an entire match.

    Your own roster controls just as much. No DR counter.

    Is it my fault for not farming them right away, or putting money into to get them faster? Yes it is, but I don’t really care for those characters so I did t want to spends months farming them.

    You made a choice, then, and you were aware of the possible outcome.

    Also, putting people in with people they have no shot at beating isn’t fun.

    This is only the first round in a GAC. Players will advance through the leagues at different paces. Matches will become more and more even (since league proression is based on performance). It's a championship. A competition. Stronger players have a higher chance of advancing faster. I see no problem here.

    You can try to improve between GAC, but the next one you’ll just be in with someone better. My opponent this week( I’ve been in both sides f this FYI) has 16 gear 13 toons, plus the meta team. I’ve got 4 gear 13 , no Dr, no Malak. Is that a fair matchup ? Is that something I can change between now and next GAC?

    You can begin the transformation today. It's all up to you.

    No lol I’m sure I’ll get more gear 13, but I’ll just be in with a better opponent, or I could be the one next time that is built better.

    You seem to understand. Great.

    I just don’t think you should be in unwinnable matches. If this is a strategy game there should be a strategy to win every match.

    Improving your roster in-between matches is part of this strategy.
  • "Cardiff0;c-1951553" wrote:
    "UnbelieverInME;c-1951519" wrote:
    Stop crying about it and just pay the cash or quit. Either way, we don't really care.

    What’s the point when you will just be matched with someone better, cancelling it ou?

    You've never won a single match?
  • braskme's avatar
    New Spectator
    I suspect the tweak to g13 matchmaking is actually coming with the next update in the form of relics. You have to be g13 to have one, and it'll likely give a healthy gp boost. The problem right now is that a zeta bumps you by 2406, wo having 1 more zeta in your top 80 allows for a lot more g12 slots to be filled on your opponent since they're only worth a tad over 200gp. I know I've got a few zetas I'd rather not have now that were good at the time (eg. Gmy, Thrawn, vader leads).
    That being said, despite that I haven't had terrible matches in Div1.
  • @Waqui I do have a counter for Dr and Malak, they’re not quite there to challenge all gear 13 meta team version of it yet, but I have one. That’s not the point. I’m going to use my current match as an example, also keep in mind I now my place in the game and none of it matters because there’s other areas I put more time into than just GAC.
    My current opponent is pretty solid. He has 16 gear 13 toons, I have 4. That alone isn’t enough to really be too concerned about, because depending on who he has at gear 13 most counters are good enough to overcome a lot.

    One of the main issues is how OP the meta is currently. I could use my counter team, I won’t win, but I could use them. Say I lose, I could use GG to have another shot, probably won’t win there either, he’s built this team to be really good and that’s awesome.

    My thought is if there’s no one on my roster then I probably don’t belong in a match with them. It’s a strategy game so there should be some strategy to putting something together to beat them. That’s just my opinion, there should always be a way to win a match. Currently I could use my roster and not make a dent in their arena team, because there’s only a handful of counters atm. So after Padme and GG I don’t have much left to offer. In my opinion I should be able to whittle that team down enough to beat them with as many gear 12 toons as I have. Idk if I’m explaining that the way I mean it.
    As far as building rosters a decent percentage will always be chasing a meta, right? That’s part of the point of the game. I understand that. I just think people shouldn’t be placed against people when there isn’t a chance to win. I don’t mind a challenge but I do want to have a chance at least. Competitiveness is always good.
    People work hard to build rosters, most love Star Wars and probably have people they prefer to use and not just who we’re almost forced to farm. The people that go a different route should have a fun option and have an ability to succeed in GAC and not just be lambs to slaughter. Again, I’m not really talking about myself here, because I don’t focus on GAC all that much. But I see a lot of posts about this so it seems to be an issue.
  • @TVF @No_Try I think you were taking to me. People can build their rosters , but they can only do so much. If people are behind it’s difficult to catch up. Especially when toons they need only come around so often. I would expect someone to play a game for a year just to be able to maybe have a chance to win.
    I just threw a year out there because you have to farm a couple teams, gear them up, and wait for the event to come around again. That time frame could be higher or lower idk lol
    I just think that’s asking for a huge investment just to even be in the realm of winning. So why not have them be put against people they have a chance to beat until that timed then once they have those guys then throw them in to the big guns.
    I do
    Maybe I’m putting too much thought into it. I’m just seeing the same complaints all the time about GAC. I’m sure some are sore losers who just want a freebie. But some have legit complaints where they can’t win a match no matter what they do. I don’t think that’s cool. You should always have a chance.

  • It's not the same complaint as there are a variety of complaints where some are incompatible with eachother as people are pulling it any direction. Some are reasonable, some are absurd and some CG is not willing to consider. Your variety of toon related complaints is addressed in the last Q/A. They are not considering it -at this time-. Naturally they fully understand what it's about and want to leave toon related advantage/disadvantages as is.

    Here you go:

    And the g13

    I remember pretty well discussing about your malak issue in length. He came around for the 2nd time and you are still bringing up the same...with absurd reasoning such as "I don't like the character" in a strategy game...meanwhile also saying you simply couldn't catch it up. Contradictory narratives.

    Either case everyone understands what the toon power differences talk is about and we also know it's not gonna chance in the near future...if it changes at all. Regurtating same narrative over and over won't make it change or your point stronger, it just bores everyone and creates a noise in a field with elements we may be able to change, that are still in grey territory.

    You can make an informed decision using that. Quit, try to adjust or just let go of what you can't win/see the matches you can. Under no matchmaking paradigm everyone can make it to kyber by the nature of it being a competition.
  • @CCyrilS you should have a chance to lose. But you should have a chance to win too. I’m competitive so I don’t want give a me, I want to have to put some thought into my battles. That goes both ways. Maybe I’m asking too much, but I want some strategy in a strategy game, a chance to win, a chance to lose.

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