Forum Discussion

SleepinNinja15's avatar
2 years ago

GAC pause timer

Yeah so I totally understand the whole idea for a 5 minute timer and whatnot but if I'm in the middle of a battle and I get an important phone call that I have no choice but to answer then when the game pauses it should pause the timer as well. Give me a fair chance here, and if it's going to expire at least keep the damage I dealt on if your going to lock me out of the characters/ships. Not cool CG, this is a needed QOL update.
  • Why should a game have to account for real life interruptions? That's not the game's problem.

    I've lost a battle before because I took a risk playing at work and someone interrupted me. That's my choice and my problem.
  • "Lumiya;c-2385782" wrote:
    "harvestmouse;c-2385759" wrote:

    I'd say being interrupted at work is your problem. However, your cat falling down the stairs and knocking your Banksy IG86 portrait off of the pause worthy.

    ? Had to really laugh about this. It's oddly... specific... did it happen to you/your cat?

    I'm a mouse, I wouldn't have one of those things in my mouse house!

  • "DarjeloSalas;c-2385644" wrote:
    "SleepingNinja;c-2385116" wrote:
    "DarjeloSalas;c-2385113" wrote:

    Why? If your going to add something actually add reasoning to the conversation or just don't post. Disagree is not a reason. Also the call was health related. So i should just ignore it and make sure I get my win first and be forced to set a new appointment?

    First of all, anyone who needs advice on whether to put the game or their health first should really ask themselves some serious questions.

    Secondly, I disagree because I think an indefinite pause feature could be open to abuse. Someone else has pointed out why it could (and definitely would) be abused in arena battles. As for Grand Arena / Territory Wars, players could pause and seek advice on next steps before taking their next turn. Part of the ethos of the PvP game modes is you’ve got 5 minutes to take care of business.

    First of all, I obviously did answer the call, or I wouldn't have timed. I was winning the battle and if it had kept going I would have won and may have won the overall match. I'll never know now though.

    Secondly, that's a pretty fair point, I understand there's always no lifers that will go the extra distance. But that said my damage shouldn't have been reset if they also are going to lock me out of the ships I used. It's only fair I may have had an opportunity with what remained of my rooster but I'm not a 5M+ player with multiple teams that I can keep tossing at my opponent. If the team is counted as used keep the damage done (if any) to keep things fair.
  • "Georgee;c-2386674" wrote:
    "SleepingNinja;c-2385989" wrote:

    Secondly, that's a pretty fair point, I understand there's always no lifers that will go the extra distance. But that said my damage shouldn't have been reset if they also are going to lock me out of the ships I used. It's only fair I may have had an opportunity with what remained of my rooster but I'm not a 5M+ player with multiple teams that I can keep tossing at my opponent. If the team is counted as used keep the damage done (if any) to keep things fair.

    Could that be potentially misused if you were against a team with a healer that can revive and you just killed their key toon that was giving a lot of synergies to the whole team? You would time out and then take a team with a fast toon that can ability block or kill that healer and increase your chances to win.

    I'd call such a scenario a stretch if all the players were normal, but I just found out how frequent cheating is in this game so I don't think it's a stretch at all.

    That sounds more along the lines of strategy than abuse to me. They used a team or unit to drop 1 unit, they're gonna end up with less banners that way. I don't think you've got a good point here in my opinion.
  • "DarjeloSalas;c-2385113" wrote:

    Why? If your going to add something actually add reasoning to the conversation or just don't post. Disagree is not a reason. Also the call was health related. So i should just ignore it and make sure I get my win first and be forced to set a new appointment?
  • As long as its for GAC i think its a good idea. If implanted into the other arenas (fleet specifically since it has an actually payout still) people would just start a battle, pause then be immune to rank drop since they would always be considered “In a battle” thus never having to worry about losing their reward
  • I can see both sides to this. Matches shouldn't be decided by a genuine interruption. Whether that be a RL situation or an internet stability thing.

    However, if you take a game like chess that has a timer. Could you imagine pausing that while you go off and review/research the situation with all possibilities? That's a categorical no in my opinion and definitely should not happen.

    As stated above for 'daily arenas' it's simply not possible. It'd break the environment. For TW or GAC........hmmmm 3 'lives' a year maybe? However, I think it'd complicate matters far more than the worth.
  • Well I play........played a game that had this option. And I think in the perfect world it would be better. However, this game neither has a community or administration for it to work.

    I'd say being interrupted at work is your problem. However, your cat falling down the stairs and knocking your Banksy IG86 portrait off of the pause worthy.
  • "harvestmouse;c-2385759" wrote:

    I'd say being interrupted at work is your problem. However, your cat falling down the stairs and knocking your Banksy IG86 portrait off of the pause worthy.

    ? Had to really laugh about this. It's oddly... specific... did it happen to you/your cat?
  • Persimius's avatar
    Rising Traveler
    "DarjeloSalas;c-2386721" wrote:
    Back in the days when Nightsisters didn’t have a whole heap of reliable counters, I once battled them in GAC (maybe just GA back then), knowing I just had to beat them to win the match.

    I had killed the leader Talzin and also killed AV, I had a turn with one of my characters, but the next turn was enemy Old Daka. I could have gambled and tried to kill the enemy Daka with my turn, but I knew failure would mean the entire enemy team would be revived. I let that battle time out, and cleared the rest of the team easily next battle. So timing out can be useful.

    However, the issue with OP’s suggestion is that it would completely destroy the current airplane mode / force close mechanic that is extremely useful in PvP game modes, especially TW.

    The game won’t know the difference between a force close and the app closing because of a phone call, so implementing OP’s revised suggestion would see the end of the airplane mode / force close approach. Which would create huge problems across the player base.

    Just want to point out that airplane mode is largely gone already anyway, at least for iOS players.