Forum Discussion

OBoogieIII's avatar
7 years ago

Galactic wars.

Congratulations!!! You just made me not give two craps about this game anymore!! I’m not even able to compete in galactic wars anymore. I’ve got a team of level 12 gear level on node 5. I’ve got a grand total of 2 gear 12 for my entire team. Another one down EA. Good job! I’ve been play By this game for 2 + years and you’ve finally killed all of the joy I get from playing the game. Making galactic war difficult is one thing, making it impossible is another.
  • Drink up, then, because here comes another one. Before the last update, I could complete GW maybe once a week, sometimes less, which was fine. It was hard, but with planning, it could be done. I haven't completed it once since the update. My squads haven't changed that much, maybe an extra piece of gear here and there. Now I'm lucky to make it past node 9 with my strongest characters intact. I don't mind a challenge. I do mind knowing before I even start that possibly on node 9 and certainly nodes 11 and 12, I'm going to be facing Zeta'd squads of special characters, most of them maxed out on gear and mods, against whom my best team on their best day barely get a shot off before CLS wipes them out. People aren't complaining just for the sake of it. It's a genuine concern for those who aren't asking to beat it all the time, but to at least have a decent shot at it occasionally.