8 years ago
Game improvement Ideas
I am in love with the game. I've been playing it for two months and I'm already level 62 almost 63. There are some things that drive me nuts about the game though. The game pretty much punishes players for being lower level or not spending real money. Why not incoorporate a levelled system so that players that are level 20 don't participate in the same scale of event as level 80 players. It's unfair that a level twenty player has to miss on certain events just because they aren't high enough level. Perhaps convert character events so that each tier is one star for the character, starting at level 20. Every ten levels could be one star in that event. Also, unlocking characters after an event is already over is unfairly hard to do. You basically force people to buy things in order to progress in unlocking special characters. I understand that it's how you get your revenue on the game, but why not just do something like have ads instead. I'm sure many other players wouldn't mind watching a thirty second ad every ten minutes or so like in other games. Make events cycle more frequently. Like every other day a rare character event could occur that resets like the credit heist and training droid smuggling events. Lower shard payout though so that someone can't just cheat the system and play tier one over and over. Run a different character event every day so that all players get to experience them, not just the ones who pay. I'm sure many other players would enjoy that too.