"Lichbane;c-1807776" wrote:
"JediKnight_MarkRyan;c-1807295" wrote:
3. Game changers were very negative with the release of Jedi Revan... opening packs and dreading every minute and talking about how it gave them that same buzz that addictions give.
CG/EA was very upset about the negativity from Game Changers surrounding Jedi Revan’s release. So they are on probation basically haha.
It’s not a secret that loot boxes are very much like gambling, so what if it happens to be minors. ?
I see this a lot, and while I agree lootboxes are terrible for the consumer, they are more than a little different than gambling at a casino, at least these ones, and that’s because the goals are different.
The goal of gambling is to win and/or leave with more money than you entered. There is a very real possibility that no matter how much money you spend, you will not achieve either of those goals. In fact, the second becomes less likely the more you spend. There are no guarantees.
In the cases of this game’s lootboxes, your goal is to get enough shards to max out the character(s). You spend enough money, and that is guaranteed to happen. If you open enough marquee packs, you WILL get a 7 starred character. That’s not a gamble. It WILL happen. There are no lootboxes, as far as I’m aware, where the thing you want may or may not drop, just more or less of the thing you want. Arguably chromium packs don’t follow this, as you could open thousands and theoretically the one character you want would never drop, but those aren’t the things in question.
The buzz and apprehension described in that video, which I also watched when it was released, could just as easily be explained by the fact that he’s spending way more money on something, in particular on something he probably doesn’t perceive as containing that much value, than his usual comfort zone. I felt a buzz and apprehension when I bought my house. That doesn’t mean buying a house is like gambling.
All that said, lootboxes, even ones like these, are terrible for games and I hate that I otherwise enjoy the rest of this game enough to deal with them.