6 years ago
Gear Solution
We were promised better access stun guns, carbantis, and cuffs, but that was a fat lie. Here is my proposal:
Make gear craftable using the scavenger. Gear can be broken down, why can't we use the mats to re-create. Even if CG made the ratio like 10:1, it would still give us a chance to break down gear that isn't being used and craft gear that we need. This would make all gear useable and still force us to make a choice between relics or gear crafting.
I would elaborate more on this, but it's pointless because we all know it won't happen because CG only wants money. Ignore this next spam, I'm only trying to attract a CG employ with their mating call...MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY SPENDING MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY SPENDING MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY.
Make gear craftable using the scavenger. Gear can be broken down, why can't we use the mats to re-create. Even if CG made the ratio like 10:1, it would still give us a chance to break down gear that isn't being used and craft gear that we need. This would make all gear useable and still force us to make a choice between relics or gear crafting.
I would elaborate more on this, but it's pointless because we all know it won't happen because CG only wants money. Ignore this next spam, I'm only trying to attract a CG employ with their mating call...MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY SPENDING MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY SPENDING MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY.