Forum Discussion

dosman2233's avatar
Seasoned Veteran
4 months ago

Jedi Master Dooku Character Kit Concept

Inspiration: Dooku is one of the most fascinating former Jedi in the saga; he was trained by Yoda himself, and was the master of the Maverick Jedi, Qui-Gon Jinn. He was also a renowned duellist, rivalling even the likes of Cin Drallig and Kelleran Beq. 'Tales of the Jedi' really shone a light on Dooku's time in the order, and added depth to an already-compelling character.

Unit Name: Jedi Master Dooku
Relic Amplifier: Lightsaber
Affiliation: Light Side, Attacker
Tags: Leader, Galactic Republic, Jedi

Attacks and Abilities

Basic: Lightsaber Finesse
Deal Physical damage to target enemy. Each instance of damage has a 50% chance to inflict Stagger for 2 turns, which can't be Evaded or Resisted. If the target enemy has Backfoot, Jedi Master Dooku attacks again.

Special 1: Impressive Display (Cooldown: 3)
Deal Physical damage to target enemy three times and inflict Armour Shred for the rest of the encounter. If Jedi Master Dooku had Riposte, deal true damage and inflict Backfoot until the end of the encounter or until it is cleansed. If the target enemy has Stagger these effects cannot be evaded or resisted. 

Backfoot: At the start of the enemy's turn, they have a 50% chance to lose their turn. If they lose their turn in this way, they lose Backfoot.

While in Grand Arenas and if all allies are Galactic Republic Jedi: Deal bonus damage based on 50% of Jedi Master Dooku's Potency, and inflict an additional stack of Armour Shred.

Special 2: Combat Superiority (Cooldown: 3)
Target enemy is inflicted with Marked for 2 turns, which can't be Resisted or Dispelled. Jedi Master Dooku and a random Galactic Republic Jedi ally gain 20% Turn Meter and Riposte for 2 turns. Jedi Master Dooku gains an additional 5% Turn Meter for each Galactic Republic Jedi ally. If Jedi Master Dooku already has Riposte, call two random Galactic Republic Jedi allies to assist. If Sifo-Dyas is present, he is also called to assist.

Leader: Peace and Order
All Galactic Republic Jedi allies have +40 Counter Chance and have +10% Critical Chance and Critical Damage for each Debuffed ally. Whenever a Galactic Republic Jedi ally inflicts a Debuff, they gain 1% Max Health (stacking, max 75%) and whenever they are Resisted, they gain +2% Potency (stacking, max +60%).

While in Grand Arenas and if all allies are Galactic Republic Jedi: All enemies start the battle with Backfoot, which can be neither evaded nor resisted. All allies gain +30% Critical Avoidance until the end of battle and Tenacity Up for 2 turns. 

Unique: Duellist
Whenever any enemy gains Backfoot, Jedi Master Dooku and one random ally gain Retribution for 2 turns. Whenever Jedi Master Dooku gains Retribution, he gains +2% Max Health, +2% Max Protection, +2% offence until the end of battle (Stacking, Max +100%). Whenever a Galactic Republic Jedi ally is damaged by an enemy with Backfoot, Jedi Master Dooku gains Anger for 2 turns and takes a bonus turn.

If Jedi Master Dooku damages a single enemy 20 times without damaging any other enemy, he gains Fatal Flourish for 1 turn and that enemy gains Armour Shred. 

While in Grand Arenas and if all allies are Jedi: All allies gain Foresight at the beginning of battles. Whenever any ally evades an attack, all allies recover 10% Health and 10% Protection. All allies gain bonuses equivalent to Jedi Master Dooku's Health, Protection, and Offence bonuses from this ability. Whenever Jedi Master Dooku damages an enemy affected by Stagger, he applies Backfoot. If the enemy has Armour Shred, this effect cannot be Evaded or Resisted. If Retribution is dispelled from any ally during an enemy's turn, that ally gains Retribution for two turns at the end of that turn. Jedi Master Dooku gains Fatal Flourish twice as fast. 

Anger: -10% Accuracy except against Debuffed opponents. +50% damage against Debuffed opponents. Anger is dispelled on a successful attack. 

Fatal Flourish: If target enemy has Armour Shred, instantly defeat target enemy (excluding Galactic Legends and Raid Bosses). Against Galactic Legends, Raid Bosses, and any target that is not Debuffed, ignore Damage Immunity for this attack and deal Massive Damage in addition to the normal damage of this attack. Once an attack deals damage or instantly defeats an enemy, Fatal Flourish is dispelled. 

Jedi Master Dooku can be obtained by completing the Legacy Event 'Peace and Order'

He'll also be required to unlock Galactic Legend Darth Tyranus.

8 Replies

  • I like it and I don't like it. It's not that there's nothing good in here, but overall it's too similar to the Dooku we already have. 

    Get rid of Sifo-Dyas and throw in a Padawan Qui-Gon and make the "random" GR Jedi and Sifo-Dyas references into an "always PQG" references. 

    Skip Riposte and give him 0% counter chance, but give him the ability to gain Retribution. This way counterattacking is a possibility, but it's not his default mode the way the current Dooku counters by default. I don't like the counter-attack leadership, but I'm not super opposed to it either. 

    Add to Dooku's Unique that he can't be countered by anyone with Backfoot. Dooku has +25% evasion against anyone with Backfoot. (Since they also have a -25% accuracy, this means that against Dooku they have a  50% chance to miss.) Also add that Dooku gains +10% mastery whenever he applies Backfoot. (In Padawan Qui-Gon's kit we will have "gain +3% mastery whenever attacking an enemy with Backfoot")

    Add to Impressive Display: If the target has Stagger these effects cannot be evaded or resisted. 

    Skip the ability block on basic. Instead of having a chance to attack again (again, too similar), make it automatic but only if the enemy has a certain debuff.  

    While in Grand Arenas and if all allies are Galactic Republic Jedi: All allies start the battle with Riposte, and gain +30% Critical Avoidance and Tenacity. If Sifo-Dyas is present, he gains double the amount.

    Backfoot is really powerful, and we're tying it into Dooku's and PQJ's abilities, so let's continue that rather than using Riposte. How about this for a leadership Omicron: 

    While in Grand Arenas and if all allies are Galactic Republic Jedi: All enemies start the battle with Backfoot, which can be neither evaded nor resisted. All allies gain +30% Critical Avoidance until the end of battle and TenacityUP for 2 turns. 

    We're going to make this even more powerful later by tweaking the Unique. 

    I love the Backfoot debuff, but I worry that it's too powerful. Let's leave it as is for now, but we'll workshop it. 

    I will put forward one idea though: get rid of the speed penalty and have the debuff last until end of combat or until it is cleansed. Then each time that enemy starts a new turn, they have an X% chance to lose their turn (as if Feared or stunned, but this is neither of those). If they lose their turn in this way, Backfoot is automatically cleansed. Functionally this is like having 50% speed because with 50% speed for two turns you effectively lose one turn worth of TM. But it's an interesting and different effect, and for teams that have a lot of cleansing power it's less worrisome. With a speed penalty, even if cleanse you've already accumulated less TM than you would have, and you'll never get that back. With this version of Backfoot a timely cleanse prevents any bad effect at all. 

    Okay, let's do the Unique. One thing that apparently can't be done at all easily is Dooku countering when someone else is hit (That's why Mace doesn't counterattack on behalf of others, but gains a Taunt effect for each time an ally is hit, and then counters if he's hit while that effect is up. it's effectively a delayed counter on behalf of someone else. We're going to be replacing that effect by giving Dooku bonus turns instead.) 

    Unique: Duellist
    Whenever any enemy gains Backfoot, Dooku and one random ally gain Retribution for 2 turns. Whenever Dooku gains Retribution, he gains +2% Max Health, +2% Max Protection, +2% offence until the end of battle (Stacking, Max +100%). Whenever a Galactic Republic Jedi ally is damaged by an enemy with Backfoot, Dooku gains Anger for 2 turns and takes a bonus turn.

    If Dooku damages a single enemy 20 times without damaging any other enemy, he gains Fatal Flourish for 1 turn and that enemy gains Armour Shred. 

    While in Grand Arenas and if all allies are Jedi: All allies gain Foresight at the beginning of battles. Whenever any ally evades an attack, all allies recover 10% health and 10% protection. All allies gain bonuses equivalent to Dooku's Health, Protection, and Offence bonuses from this ability. Whenever Dooku damages an enemy affected by Stagger, he applies Backfoot. If the enemy has Armor Shred, this effect cannot be evaded or Resisted. All allies are immune to effects other than debuffs that prevent counter attacks and to effects that would remove Retribution from an ally on an enemy's turn (or, if that's hard to program while leaving enemies able to dispel other buffs, replace with "if Retribution is dispelled from any ally during an enemy's turn, that ally gains Retribution for two turns at the end of that turn). Dooku gains Fatal Flourish twice as fast. 

    ANGER: -10% Accuracy except against debuffed opponents. +50% damage against Debuffed opponents. Anger is dispelled on a successful attack. 

    FATAL FLOURISH: If target enemy has Armor Shred, instantly defeat target enemy (excluding Galactic Legends and Raid Bosses). Against GLs, Raid Bosses, and any target that is not debuffed, ignore Damage Immunity for this attack and deal Massive Damage in addition to the normal damage of this attack. Once an attack deals damage or instantly defeats an enemy, Fatal Flourish is dispelled. 



  • ordo801st's avatar
    New Adventurer
    4 months ago

    I like and don't like this. One thing I'd like to see with various saber combatants(not all) is to get the unique blue buff that Ki-Adi-Mundi has with the Ataru and Makashi. Yet also have unique mastered versions as well. Still cool to see a want to lead a faction with counter chance. Even though there is a few Jedi Versions. You don't see it in a ton of teams much. I can't wait to see a Counter Attacking Sith Lead. That'd be fun.

  • dosman2233's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    4 months ago

    To get him, you'll need Yaddle, Sifo-Dyas, Jocasta Nu and Quinlan Vos. It'll be structured similarly to Starkiller and Doctor Aphra's events

    Tier I: Quinlan Vos (General Kenobi is loaned for this encounter)

    Tier II: Sifo-Dyas

    Tier III: Jocasta Nu

    Tier IV: Yaddle

    Tier V: Jedi Master Dooku (Mace Windu is loaned for this encounter)

  • dosman2233's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    2 months ago

    Like with any other character, you're bound to find things you like and don't like.

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