Forum Discussion

MeetraZurick's avatar
8 years ago

Gear/Ability Mats Crafting system

As well as being able to gear and mats, they all have some that have become stocked dramatically, challenge gear and Green/Blue ability Mats in particular.

Why dont we have an upgrade system that upgrades gear/ability mats to the next level of itself so 20 green makes a blue, 20 blues makes a purple, 40 purples make an omega and 40 omegas make a zeta.
Same with gear but the gear only upgrades to that particular gears next level not to be turned into any other gear.

Should be part of QoL update imo.
  • Ok, how about it takes a much higher amount as you go up in rank? To a extreme degree?
  • Even though it is a good idea from a player standpoint, it would be very bad for the health of the game. I have over 4K green and 3K blue mats. I would rush to convert them all up to zetas. Zetas would then be too easy to get and everyone would have them.

    Gear would be nice and alleviate the gear crunch, but then again it would highly favor long-time players that have been hoarding.
  • "LtGenStu;c-1264054" wrote:
    Even though it is a good idea from a player standpoint, it would be very bad for the health of the game. I have over 4K green and 3K blue mats. I would rush to convert them all up to zetas. Zetas would then be too easy to get and everyone would have them.

    Gear would be nice and alleviate the gear crunch, but then again it would highly favor long-time players that have been hoarding.

    Actually, you wouldn't have enough to complete one zeta with those numbers vs OPs conversion rate. You would be able to create about four omegas after converting every green and blue mat.
  • You are right indeed I think it is all about the conversion ratio.
  • Not a fan of this. No matter the rate, you will burn through blues, greens and purples too fast. I run out of purples as often as omegas.
  • It'll be a one time deal mostly, once the stockpile is depleted, we're back to square 1. Rather they find a more sustainable method to ease the gear crunch.

    Converting rancor rewards to tokens for players to choosw what they need instead of rng would be a start.