"Darth_L_Jackson;405599" wrote:
I haven't seen that happen before. I've been using him for a few weeks and only time I noticed that is when Old Ben is leading on the other team and someone dodges the attack. Were you playing up against a QGJ squad or something where they have fast speed?
The only SPECIFIC case I have is the Rancor, for sure. If he has maybe 1/4 of his TM bar blue, I'll throw the Imploder, it'll drain the TM to nothing, but then bounce right up to 3/4 full. Immediately. This is even in a case where he just had his turn, and there's 5 of me out there. I try to keep his meter as low as possible, with Yoda and Magma, but it seems like the Imploder is doing the opposite because it works perfectly with Yoda.
Maybe I'm crazy, but just wondering if anyone had noticed this in-general.