"HKFactory;c-1901559" wrote:
"Viserys;c-1901537" wrote:
This isn't *really* enabled by GG's jump, it's enabled by T3's ability, which is a hard counter to the way DR's leadership and kit work.
Yes, it’s a mix of several things, grievous’ Max health, t3’s unique abilities (mind you since the t3 in the video doesn’t even have the zeta ability for added defense penetration for droid allies that isn’t taken into consideration), and ferocity itself, since it not only counts as a debuff, putting the team’s critical damage through the roof since they get a lot of stacks of ferocity (plus the minor boost of 20% critical damage and 30% critical chance from HK-47’s leader ability) but the 15% defense loss per stack of ferocity on the Sith empire characters.
Yes but as others have pointed out that JKA was the same scenario (Hermit Yoda’s buff + JKR lead bonus + Stacks of Ferocity)
But CG nerfed him anyways. I don’t think they will but I’ve been wrong before. I don’t see any point in nerfing GG and I think with DR return I don’t think they care about Malak. As they have stated multiple times, they have target metrics of how good a win rate needs to be before they decide to nerf it — to CG it’s all about numbers whether a toon qualifies for a nerf not the team composition and interaction of abilities / buffs / debuffs