Forum Discussion

DarthCha0s13's avatar
New Adventurer
3 months ago

Gideon DC

In the October 2nd update, you added the language that Gideon can only gain 100% TM for gaining 4 stacks of insight once every 4 turns.  Will this trigger if Gideon is already at 4 stacks?  

An easier change would have been to limit the number of stacks of insight from buffs/debuffs to once per turn.  This would have also prevented the infinite turn loop without being so much of a nerf

1 Reply

  • It doesn't matter, they don't even listen to whales, let alone what's posted on these forums.  (and yes, these EA forums are still rubbish)T hey also nerfed a few other things too and it's becoming such a waste of time trying to learn anything or build anything in this game because they've turned it into Galaxy of Datacrons and they seem to be happy about that fact.  (Especially since they won't talk about DCs other than to announce them or tell us what they've nerfed/fixed.)

    CG nerfed certain DCs, but left the tank DC up that basically creates an almost impossible wall of Leia (check GAC insight), it's dumb and excessive because yet again CG doesn't prioritize balance, only "shut up and spend money."

    So Frackin' tired of you running this game with RNG as the only concern and your rental garbage that we have to figure out for 4 months at a time.  "Oh just spend 4-5 more hours a day on the game then!"

    You suck CG, seriously.  You have zero respect for players or the work we put into our rosters.  Maybe the devs care, but whoever is making decisions as to what to prioritize seems apathetic to anything players are concerned with.  (Not that we'd know since they hide behind their desk 25/8)