Forum Discussion

Zach32525's avatar
8 years ago

Give us More Character Options in Cantina/Arena Shops

We have had no new arena character shipment addition since ship implementation (mace) and the last cantina character shipment addition was JAWA SCAV!! Can we please get some hard node farms like FOTP put in one?
  • I do not know what to buy in the Cantina and Arena. I have the few that I wanted. Would be nice, if you offer more. Nobody needs these placeholders like Ughnaut or whatever.
  • Yep - badly needed. I'm just using both to buy energy at the moment.

    There's no sensible argument about characters that others have farmed - the advantage was they had them earlier and it cost them more for that.
  • "Aizfgas;872063" wrote:
    **** no! Hard farms are farmable and a punch in the face to everyone who farmed them. Also hes needed for ships. So hell no! theylre should be easy to get characters.. Like mob enforcer, ns acolythe, ugnaught ,stormtrooper , whatsoever

    He's been hard node farm since coming out. He's had his time to be a hard node farm, so it's time for him to be in shipments.

  • I would say it'd be nicer to see someone new in Galactic War shipments first, but all shipments need some new additions. Some ideas as to who I think should be considered can be found here:
  • 11/100 on FOTP and I can agree a farmable area is a slap in the face but I'd perfer others to be happy than myself.