Forum Discussion

CT-12-4080's avatar
6 years ago

Going to laugh hard

all of you people crossing your fingers wishing Darth Revan drops. What's going to happen to the population of this game when Darth Malak ends of dropping instead? I guess I'm the only person on planet Earth that thinks this may just happen.
  • Whats so funny about farming 10 shards a day on 2 characters and if DR drops, you're ready? I think that is better than wait until the kit reveal and go OH S#&*!
  • "Monel;c-1790144" wrote:

    Personally I feel like Darth Revan will mark the end of KOTOR, so hopefully Malak comes first otherwise he may not arrive for quite some time. Sure you could argue who the bigger KOTOR character is, but the answer ends in Revan, it just starts with either Jedi or Darth.

    The way they are handling the more recent OR characters seems a little too similar to the way they handled the last set for it to *not* be leading to DR this month. Too many people would squawk if there ended up being some much more elaborate method for unlocking the dark side version of the character than the light side version, when the end power level of the two is likely to be pretty equivalent.

    That said, even if you are right about DR marking the effective end of characters from the first game, they still haven't added most of the characters from the second. Sure, we have all the main villains, but only one of the companions. (Other than the droids who were in both.)
  • I would say the problem with new meta shifting characters is that they totally shift the meta. Before, the meta would shift, but there were always counters that were able to do well in the top 10. Then Traya hit and she totally wrecked the top 20. If you didn't have Traya you were locked out until you unlocked her. I was in that boat for months. Then Revan hit and basically did the same thing to those without him. When Darth Revan hits, I fully expect the same thing will happen. He will be so powerful that even the previous meta team wouldn't be able to handle him effectively. So, if you like the free crystals everyday, you should be farming the OR characters (and probably should already have Fallen and Ordo at 7*s)
  • "RufusDogbreath;c-1789902" wrote:
    I remember when I was a child and I saw the KOTOR movies. It was like magic, and I relived it with my friends and action figures every day of my childhood...
    Oh wait. No.
    Sarcasm is fun, but actually pointless. KotOR has never been made for children, it's adult (or at least teenage) content with a lot of storywise and philosophical deepness, especially in the second game. That creates a different kind of fan love than the one that comes from nostalgia. Though, it also feels kind of nostalgic to think back at those swoop races and Pazaak matches... wish they had retained them in SWTOR. Seriously, same as the books that belong to the EU/legends content, these games are for fans like me who still want more Star Wars when grown up, but more sophisticated content.

    "CazNeerg;c-1789930" wrote:
    Why is there so much hate for KOTOR? Did people get like this when a bunch of characters from children's cartoons were released too, or is it just the Old Republic that makes them mad?
    But that's the same kind of ignorance... I couldn't name any character in this game that comes from a "children's cartoon". Both "The Clone Wars" and "Rebels" are a.) animated series, not cartoons and b.) can be highly enjoyed by all ages. They may start a little unspectacular, but especially the later seasons are pure lore gold, because Dave Filoni who produced them is a true Star Wars fan who cares about a lot of details.

  • "CadoaBane;c-1790268" wrote:

    But that's the same kind of ignorance... I couldn't name any character in this game that comes from a "children's cartoon". Both "The Clone Wars" and "Rebels" are a.) animated series, not cartoons and b.) can be highly enjoyed by all ages. They may start a little unspectacular, but especially the later seasons are pure lore gold, because Dave Filoni who produced them is a true Star Wars fan who cares about a lot of details.

    They might be great. Lots of cartoons are enjoyable by all ages. But the target market for most, including anything that aired on Disney XD, is still children. And I wasn't saying I had a problem with characters from cartoons, I was asking an honest question about whether the same level of hate was expressed when they were introduced, because they are just as "not from the movies" as the KOTOR characters. I'm grateful they are here, because that's how we ended up with the single best character from all of the Star Wars novels, Admiral Thrawn.
  • "CazNeerg;c-1790288" wrote:
    "CadoaBane;c-1790268" wrote:

    But that's the same kind of ignorance... I couldn't name any character in this game that comes from a "children's cartoon". Both "The Clone Wars" and "Rebels" are a.) animated series, not cartoons and b.) can be highly enjoyed by all ages. They may start a little unspectacular, but especially the later seasons are pure lore gold, because Dave Filoni who produced them is a true Star Wars fan who cares about a lot of details.

    They might be great. Lots of cartoons are enjoyable by all ages. But the target market for most, including anything that aired on Disney XD, is still children. And I wasn't saying I had a problem with characters from cartoons, I was asking an honest question about whether the same level of hate was expressed when they were introduced, because they are just as "not from the movies" as the KOTOR characters. I'm grateful they are here, because that's how we ended up with the single best character from all of the Star Wars novels, Admiral Thrawn.

    I have no hate for kotor but i for sure hope the kotor era in this game ends soon. Star wars lore has so much to offer, everyone will have a favorite content, favorite characters, a favorite era... We’re in march 2019 now, meaning we are closing in on a year of complete kotor character’s domination in arena. Traya + Bastila + Jedi Revan + now kotor fans want Malak so we can still have Darth Revan after. Kotor not only have been the main focus of this game for a year, every single characters are either meta or required for meta. So yes for some people it’s starting to get really, really old.
    Of course some people will get sick of it and start to get sensitive when the subject is brought up.
  • "CazNeerg;c-1790288" wrote:
    "CadoaBane;c-1790268" wrote:

    But that's the same kind of ignorance... I couldn't name any character in this game that comes from a "children's cartoon". Both "The Clone Wars" and "Rebels" are a.) animated series, not cartoons and b.) can be highly enjoyed by all ages. They may start a little unspectacular, but especially the later seasons are pure lore gold, because Dave Filoni who produced them is a true Star Wars fan who cares about a lot of details.

    They might be great. Lots of cartoons are enjoyable by all ages. But the target market for most, including anything that aired on Disney XD, is still children. And I wasn't saying I had a problem with characters from cartoons, I was asking an honest question about whether the same level of hate was expressed when they were introduced, because they are just as "not from the movies" as the KOTOR characters. I'm grateful they are here, because that's how we ended up with the single best character from all of the Star Wars novels, Admiral Thrawn.

    I understand how you meant it, just wanted to use the "children's cartoon" term as an example for how people sometimes judge about things too early. On the one hand some people (not you) complain about a series like "Rebels" for its age rating, but on the other hand they love those movies the most that they have loved as a child - ironic! :D I completely agree on Grand Admiral Thrawn, Filoni has portrayed him very well, part of what I meant in my previous post. :)