There isn't any matchmaking. There is no comparison of rosters at all.
The thing that places players in the same bracket is the skill rating. That is an initially assigned number on your first GAC. I don't know if all players start on the same, or if it is gp based. After that SR changes based on wins and losses.
It is impossible to know more about your situation, as you have not given enough info. First GAC? League? Win/loss for yourself at this point?
The conclusion that you jump to that your opponent has spent money to have that roster has no basis that you show. That could be FTP that just hates GAC, or hasn't signed up in ages. It's fairly likely these days they have spent $30 on a few light speed bundles, hardly worth crying whale over.
If you've just started, keep going. Most of the big rosters will only stay near your SR if they don't play. If they do play, you'll soon be left surrounded by players who have either been beaten, or who don't play. Score what you can, you'll eventually move ahead of the players who score 10 for minimum rewards, or zero for whatever reason. The oddly big rosters seem to be around in every league. But if they are lower than they should be, it can only mean you have a fair chance they will score 10 or zero. But once you get clear of the junk yard that is Carbonite, it's is much less common, I think.