Honestly, does anyone here believe that one single number is able to compare the REAL strength of players, especially if much things valued equal even if they are not?
If we would have only five toons perhaps the GP would allow us to match it together.
Actually the game has hundreds of toons and ships, and their abilities are also different but the GP calculates it like all are equal. A level 8 skill of CLS increases your GP by the same value a level 8 CUP skill does. Makes it sense? Only if EVERYBODY would have the exact same toons.
More gear leads to a similiar situation and so on.
And if this isn't enough of GP-"diversity" the mods come around. Every mod is different, but all mods are calculated into GP like they would be equal. It doesn't count what data they increase, it's only about level and stars.
So while it is out of the question to set specific values for random-generated things like mods, it would be a huge step into a more fair matchmaking if CG could give at least for every single skill and gear, the toons and ships have, a unique GP-value instead this generic one.
I know this would be a huge amount of work to revaluate it, but they have to do it just once to repair this "old" mistake. Then every new toon could have it's own unique skill/gear-values for GP by release.