Grand Master Yoda Touch Up!
I have been thinking of some Ideas over the years of GMY touch up since his last rework. Him being the first Legendary and has been reworked before I can see he could get some love now. Here is my interpretation of at least his Lead and a added Unique. Also got more Ideas with my Thrawn touchup with someone posting a comment about linking it. Don't have the best of names for his Unique so why I just Chose, Jedi Grand Master. I chose to exclude General Kenobi incase of a update to his kit if CG decides to update him and give him his 212th attack battalion in 2025.
Grand Master's Guidance (Zeta)
Jedi allies have +30% Potency and Tenacity. Whenever a Jedi ally Resists a debuff, they gain the following: 30% Turn Meter, Critical Chance Up for 2 turns, and Critical Damage Up for 2 turns. Whenever they suffer a debuff, they gain Tenacity Up for 1 turn at the end of that turn. If all Allies are Galactic Republic Jedi, at the start of the encounter Tanks taunt for 1 turn. If Mace Windu is an Ally, all other Galactic Republic Jedi Allies are Immune to Shock! In addition the ally in the first ally slot has their Leadership active and is disabled when defeated. Leaderships that are excluded from being active are: Galactic Legends, Kellran Beq, General Skywalker, General Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jinn, and Shaak Ti.
Jedi Grand Master (Zeta)
Grand Master Yoda has 35% Protection, 25% Health Steal, 15% Accuracy. Yoda is immune to Blind, Shock, and Frustration.