Forum Discussion

jhargan15951's avatar
7 years ago

Guild officer Abilities

There are a few things I would like to see for guild officers.

1. Expand the officers abilities - set new member qualifications, display message on guild banner. This could be an assigned permission from the guild leader. The leader is not always on and if an officer needs to put out a guild message, they can't.
2. Set pop up messages for raids when a player hits battle that can auto expire at a certain time. Being able to display a message saying, for instance, "0 damage until 0:00" would be great. It would guarantee that guild members see the rule for the raid. It would also help us move raid times around so more people can be active. The auto expire is also key, so that an officer doesn't have to remove the message at raid time (if they are in airplane mode doing battle).
3. Being able to Direct Message a guild member who is not following guild rules. Not all members are willing to use outside forms of communication and don't always read the chat. Being able to send a message to their inbox would be awesome.
4. Being able to sort guild members by GP in the manage tab (total, character, ships).

Thanks for you consideration.
  • +1 Agreed, the officer abilities need to be extended a fair amount because of rigt now, what we can do is pretty useless except starting raids.

    I would also like to see abilities ranging from

    Direct messaging anyone who tries to join your guild, since reading descriptions and doing what’s asked seems to hard for some to grasp.

    For leaders

    The ability to block out higher raid tiers and abandon on lower raids

    The ability to assign a different guild leader without having to actually leave the guild, which if Im honest, is pretty daft.