6 years agoSeasoned Ace
Gungan Kit Ideas
Boss Nass Kit Idea
Jar Jar Binks Kit Idea
Captain Tarpals Kit Idea
General Ceel Kit Idea
Gungan Soldier Kit Idea
I made a different kit for Jar Jar a while ago but I’ve made some changes and like this one better.
Gungan Shield: Unit has defense and critical avoidance equal to their current percent of max health. +100% evasion against out of turn attacks. Can’t be copied.
Booma: When inflicted, deal damage equal to 10% of unit’s max health. Unit has -5% speed, offense, defense, critical avoidance, and critical chance per stack. Can’t be dispelled. Max stacks 10.
Boss Nass
Light Side, Support, Galactic Republic, Gungan, Leader
Booma Assault Basic: Deal physical damage to target enemy. If they have a Booma, inflict 2 more Boomas for 2 turns. Boss Nass has an 80% chance to gain defense penetration up for 2 turns.
Meesa Lika Dis! Special: Remove 20% turn meter from all enemies with a Booma, and grant all Gungan allies speed up for 3 turns. Boss Nass gains a Gungan Shield for 2 turns, and if he already had a Gungan Shield he inflicts a Booma for 2 turns on all enemies without a Booma. (Cooldown 3)
Gungan Boss Leader: At the start of the encounter, all enemies have their cooldowns increased by 1 which can’t be resisted. All Gungan allies recover 10% protection whenever they inflict a Booma or gain a Gungan Shield. ZETA: Whenever a Gungan ally inflicts a Booma or gains a Gungan Shield, they gain 10% turn meter.
Proud Ruler Unique 1: While Boss Nass is active, droids inflicted with Boomas also are inflicted with stun which can’t be evaded or resisted. Whenever an enemy is inflicted with a Booma, Boss Nass grants a random Gungan ally one of the following buffs they don’t already have for 3 turns: offense up, critical chance up, critical damage up.
Booming Nature Unique 2: When a Gungan ally uses a special ability, Boss Nass gains stealth and 20% bonus protection for 2 turns. While Boss Nass has stealth, he gains +100% defense penetration.
Boss Nass
Light Side, Support, Galactic Republic, Gungan, Leader
Booma Assault Basic: Deal physical damage to target enemy. If they have a Booma, inflict 2 more Boomas for 2 turns. Boss Nass has an 80% chance to gain defense penetration up for 2 turns.
Meesa Lika Dis! Special: Remove 20% turn meter from all enemies with a Booma, and grant all Gungan allies speed up for 3 turns. Boss Nass gains a Gungan Shield for 2 turns, and if he already had a Gungan Shield he inflicts a Booma for 2 turns on all enemies without a Booma. (Cooldown 3)
Gungan Boss Leader: At the start of the encounter, all enemies have their cooldowns increased by 1 which can’t be resisted. All Gungan allies recover 10% protection whenever they inflict a Booma or gain a Gungan Shield. ZETA: Whenever a Gungan ally inflicts a Booma or gains a Gungan Shield, they gain 10% turn meter.
Proud Ruler Unique 1: While Boss Nass is active, droids inflicted with Boomas also are inflicted with stun which can’t be evaded or resisted. Whenever an enemy is inflicted with a Booma, Boss Nass grants a random Gungan ally one of the following buffs they don’t already have for 3 turns: offense up, critical chance up, critical damage up.
Booming Nature Unique 2: When a Gungan ally uses a special ability, Boss Nass gains stealth and 20% bonus protection for 2 turns. While Boss Nass has stealth, he gains +100% defense penetration.
Jar Jar Binks Kit Idea
Jar Jar Binks
Light Side, Tank, Galactic Republic, Gungan
Meesa Jar Jar Binks! Basic: Deal physical damage to target enemy with a 50% chance to gain evasion up and taunt for 2 turns. If Jar Jar gains taunt from this ability, he also gains critical chance down for 2 turns.
Booma Attack Special 1: Deal physical damage to all enemies and inflict 2 Boomas on each of them for 2 turns which can’t be resisted. Then Jar Jar gains defense down for 3 turns. (Cooldown 3)
Gungan Shield Special 2: Jar Jar Binks gains taunt and a Gungan Shield for 2 turns, which can’t be dispelled. Then he gains 10% turn meter for each active Gungan ally and potency down for 2 turns. (Cooldown 3)
Clumsy Unique 1: Jar Jar has -40% accuracy but +40% evasion. When Jar Jar evades or is evaded, he grants all Gungan allies 10% turn meter. The first time Jar Jar is defeated, all enemies lose 100% turn meter and all status effects on them which can’t be resisted. ZETA: +5% turn meter to Gungan allies and when Jar Jar evades or is evaded he recovers 10% health and protection.
Bombad General Unique 2: While Jar Jar has taunt, he gains 20% counter chance for each active Gungan ally. When Jar Jar counterattacks, he inflicts daze on the target for 1 turn. ZETA: Jar Jar is immune to stun and daze. While Jar Jar has critical chance down, his basic ability has +30% critical damage and high damage variance
Jar Jar Binks
Light Side, Tank, Galactic Republic, Gungan
Meesa Jar Jar Binks! Basic: Deal physical damage to target enemy with a 50% chance to gain evasion up and taunt for 2 turns. If Jar Jar gains taunt from this ability, he also gains critical chance down for 2 turns.
Booma Attack Special 1: Deal physical damage to all enemies and inflict 2 Boomas on each of them for 2 turns which can’t be resisted. Then Jar Jar gains defense down for 3 turns. (Cooldown 3)
Gungan Shield Special 2: Jar Jar Binks gains taunt and a Gungan Shield for 2 turns, which can’t be dispelled. Then he gains 10% turn meter for each active Gungan ally and potency down for 2 turns. (Cooldown 3)
Clumsy Unique 1: Jar Jar has -40% accuracy but +40% evasion. When Jar Jar evades or is evaded, he grants all Gungan allies 10% turn meter. The first time Jar Jar is defeated, all enemies lose 100% turn meter and all status effects on them which can’t be resisted. ZETA: +5% turn meter to Gungan allies and when Jar Jar evades or is evaded he recovers 10% health and protection.
Bombad General Unique 2: While Jar Jar has taunt, he gains 20% counter chance for each active Gungan ally. When Jar Jar counterattacks, he inflicts daze on the target for 1 turn. ZETA: Jar Jar is immune to stun and daze. While Jar Jar has critical chance down, his basic ability has +30% critical damage and high damage variance
Captain Tarpals Kit Idea
Captain Tarpals
Light Side, Support, Galactic Republic, Gungan, Leader
Ouch Time Basic: Deal physical damage to target enemy and a random enemy and inflict a Booma on each of them for 2 turns. This attack can’t be countered.
Booma Goo Special 1: Inflict buff immunity for 2 turns on all enemies with a Booma. All Gungan allies recover 20% of their protection and 50% of their health. (Cooldown 3)
Gungan Attack Special 2: Grant all allies a Gungan Shield, advantage, and foresight for 3 turns. Then, Tarpals deals physical damage to target enemy, and calls all other Gungan allies to assist dealing 40% less damage. (Cooldown 4)
Dutiful Warrior Leader: All Gungan allies gain a Gungan Shield for 2 turns at the start of battle. Gungan allies have +50% defense while they have a Gungan Shield and +50% offense while they don’t.
Sacrificial Move Unique: While Captain Tarpals is active, all Gungan allies have a 50% chance to inflict a Booma for 2 turns on the target enemy whenever they use an ability during their turn. The first time each Gungan ally is defeated, all enemies lose 15% offense for the rest of the encounter. ZETA: Captain Tarpals has +10% defense and offense for each Booma on enemies.
Captain Tarpals
Light Side, Support, Galactic Republic, Gungan, Leader
Ouch Time Basic: Deal physical damage to target enemy and a random enemy and inflict a Booma on each of them for 2 turns. This attack can’t be countered.
Booma Goo Special 1: Inflict buff immunity for 2 turns on all enemies with a Booma. All Gungan allies recover 20% of their protection and 50% of their health. (Cooldown 3)
Gungan Attack Special 2: Grant all allies a Gungan Shield, advantage, and foresight for 3 turns. Then, Tarpals deals physical damage to target enemy, and calls all other Gungan allies to assist dealing 40% less damage. (Cooldown 4)
Dutiful Warrior Leader: All Gungan allies gain a Gungan Shield for 2 turns at the start of battle. Gungan allies have +50% defense while they have a Gungan Shield and +50% offense while they don’t.
Sacrificial Move Unique: While Captain Tarpals is active, all Gungan allies have a 50% chance to inflict a Booma for 2 turns on the target enemy whenever they use an ability during their turn. The first time each Gungan ally is defeated, all enemies lose 15% offense for the rest of the encounter. ZETA: Captain Tarpals has +10% defense and offense for each Booma on enemies.
General Ceel Kit Idea
General Ceel
Light Side, Support, Galactic Republic, Gungan, Leader
Throwing Spear Basic: Deal physical damage to target enemy and dispel all buffs from them, then inflict daze for 2 turns. If the target didn’t have any buffs, call a random Gungan ally to assist.
Shoota’ Them Up Real Good! Special: Deal physical damage to all enemies and inflict offense and defense down for 2 turns. If any enemies fall below 100% health, the cooldown of this ability is reset and General Ceel gains 30% turn meter. (Cooldown 3)
Militiagung Commander Leader: All Gungan allies have 40% critical avoidance, tenacity and defense, and all other allies have half that amount. The first time each Gungan ally is defeated, all other Gungan allies gain 20% critical avoidance, tenacity, and defense (stacking) until the end of the encounter.
Gungan Experience Unique: While General Ceel is active, all Gungan allies gain 50% potency, and whenever a Gungan ally inflicts a Booma, they gain a heal over time effect for 2 turns.
General Ceel
Light Side, Support, Galactic Republic, Gungan, Leader
Throwing Spear Basic: Deal physical damage to target enemy and dispel all buffs from them, then inflict daze for 2 turns. If the target didn’t have any buffs, call a random Gungan ally to assist.
Shoota’ Them Up Real Good! Special: Deal physical damage to all enemies and inflict offense and defense down for 2 turns. If any enemies fall below 100% health, the cooldown of this ability is reset and General Ceel gains 30% turn meter. (Cooldown 3)
Militiagung Commander Leader: All Gungan allies have 40% critical avoidance, tenacity and defense, and all other allies have half that amount. The first time each Gungan ally is defeated, all other Gungan allies gain 20% critical avoidance, tenacity, and defense (stacking) until the end of the encounter.
Gungan Experience Unique: While General Ceel is active, all Gungan allies gain 50% potency, and whenever a Gungan ally inflicts a Booma, they gain a heal over time effect for 2 turns.
Gungan Soldier Kit Idea
Gungan Soldier
Light Side, Attacker, Galactic Republic, Gungan
Atlatl Assault Basic: Deal physical damage to target enemy and inflict tenacity down and a Booma for 2 turns.
Electropole Special 1: Deal physical damage to target enemy and inflict stun for 1 turn and healing immunity for 2 turns. Then, gain a Gungan Shield for 2 turns. (Cooldown 3)
Cesta Attack Special 2: Deal physical damage to target enemy and deal 10% more damage for each Booma the target is suffering. ZETA: Recover protection equal to the damage dealt and +10% damage per Booma. Cooldown -1. (Cooldown 2)
Militiagung Unique: Gungan Soldier has a 75% chance to take a bonus turn at the end of each of his turns. This chance is reduced to 10% if this effect triggered in the previous turn. He has +25% critical chance.
Gungan Soldier
Light Side, Attacker, Galactic Republic, Gungan
Atlatl Assault Basic: Deal physical damage to target enemy and inflict tenacity down and a Booma for 2 turns.
Electropole Special 1: Deal physical damage to target enemy and inflict stun for 1 turn and healing immunity for 2 turns. Then, gain a Gungan Shield for 2 turns. (Cooldown 3)
Cesta Attack Special 2: Deal physical damage to target enemy and deal 10% more damage for each Booma the target is suffering. ZETA: Recover protection equal to the damage dealt and +10% damage per Booma. Cooldown -1. (Cooldown 2)
Militiagung Unique: Gungan Soldier has a 75% chance to take a bonus turn at the end of each of his turns. This chance is reduced to 10% if this effect triggered in the previous turn. He has +25% critical chance.
I made a different kit for Jar Jar a while ago but I’ve made some changes and like this one better.
Gungan Shield: Unit has defense and critical avoidance equal to their current percent of max health. +100% evasion against out of turn attacks. Can’t be copied.
Booma: When inflicted, deal damage equal to 10% of unit’s max health. Unit has -5% speed, offense, defense, critical avoidance, and critical chance per stack. Can’t be dispelled. Max stacks 10.