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DaPowerfulJedi's avatar
Seasoned Ace
6 years ago

Gungan Kit Ideas

Boss Nass Kit Idea

Boss Nass
Light Side, Support, Galactic Republic, Gungan, Leader

Booma Assault Basic: Deal physical damage to target enemy. If they have a Booma, inflict 2 more Boomas for 2 turns. Boss Nass has an 80% chance to gain defense penetration up for 2 turns.

Meesa Lika Dis! Special: Remove 20% turn meter from all enemies with a Booma, and grant all Gungan allies speed up for 3 turns. Boss Nass gains a Gungan Shield for 2 turns, and if he already had a Gungan Shield he inflicts a Booma for 2 turns on all enemies without a Booma. (Cooldown 3)

Gungan Boss Leader: At the start of the encounter, all enemies have their cooldowns increased by 1 which can’t be resisted. All Gungan allies recover 10% protection whenever they inflict a Booma or gain a Gungan Shield. ZETA: Whenever a Gungan ally inflicts a Booma or gains a Gungan Shield, they gain 10% turn meter.

Proud Ruler Unique 1: While Boss Nass is active, droids inflicted with Boomas also are inflicted with stun which can’t be evaded or resisted. Whenever an enemy is inflicted with a Booma, Boss Nass grants a random Gungan ally one of the following buffs they don’t already have for 3 turns: offense up, critical chance up, critical damage up.

Booming Nature Unique 2: When a Gungan ally uses a special ability, Boss Nass gains stealth and 20% bonus protection for 2 turns. While Boss Nass has stealth, he gains +100% defense penetration.

Jar Jar Binks Kit Idea

Jar Jar Binks
Light Side, Tank, Galactic Republic, Gungan

Meesa Jar Jar Binks! Basic: Deal physical damage to target enemy with a 50% chance to gain evasion up and taunt for 2 turns. If Jar Jar gains taunt from this ability, he also gains critical chance down for 2 turns.

Booma Attack Special 1: Deal physical damage to all enemies and inflict 2 Boomas on each of them for 2 turns which can’t be resisted. Then Jar Jar gains defense down for 3 turns. (Cooldown 3)

Gungan Shield Special 2: Jar Jar Binks gains taunt and a Gungan Shield for 2 turns, which can’t be dispelled. Then he gains 10% turn meter for each active Gungan ally and potency down for 2 turns. (Cooldown 3)

Clumsy Unique 1: Jar Jar has -40% accuracy but +40% evasion. When Jar Jar evades or is evaded, he grants all Gungan allies 10% turn meter. The first time Jar Jar is defeated, all enemies lose 100% turn meter and all status effects on them which can’t be resisted. ZETA: +5% turn meter to Gungan allies and when Jar Jar evades or is evaded he recovers 10% health and protection.

Bombad General Unique 2: While Jar Jar has taunt, he gains 20% counter chance for each active Gungan ally. When Jar Jar counterattacks, he inflicts daze on the target for 1 turn. ZETA: Jar Jar is immune to stun and daze. While Jar Jar has critical chance down, his basic ability has +30% critical damage and high damage variance

Captain Tarpals Kit Idea

Captain Tarpals
Light Side, Support, Galactic Republic, Gungan, Leader

Ouch Time Basic: Deal physical damage to target enemy and a random enemy and inflict a Booma on each of them for 2 turns. This attack can’t be countered.

Booma Goo Special 1: Inflict buff immunity for 2 turns on all enemies with a Booma. All Gungan allies recover 20% of their protection and 50% of their health. (Cooldown 3)

Gungan Attack Special 2: Grant all allies a Gungan Shield, advantage, and foresight for 3 turns. Then, Tarpals deals physical damage to target enemy, and calls all other Gungan allies to assist dealing 40% less damage. (Cooldown 4)

Dutiful Warrior Leader: All Gungan allies gain a Gungan Shield for 2 turns at the start of battle. Gungan allies have +50% defense while they have a Gungan Shield and +50% offense while they don’t.

Sacrificial Move Unique: While Captain Tarpals is active, all Gungan allies have a 50% chance to inflict a Booma for 2 turns on the target enemy whenever they use an ability during their turn. The first time each Gungan ally is defeated, all enemies lose 15% offense for the rest of the encounter. ZETA: Captain Tarpals has +10% defense and offense for each Booma on enemies.

General Ceel Kit Idea

General Ceel
Light Side, Support, Galactic Republic, Gungan, Leader

Throwing Spear Basic: Deal physical damage to target enemy and dispel all buffs from them, then inflict daze for 2 turns. If the target didn’t have any buffs, call a random Gungan ally to assist.

Shoota’ Them Up Real Good! Special: Deal physical damage to all enemies and inflict offense and defense down for 2 turns. If any enemies fall below 100% health, the cooldown of this ability is reset and General Ceel gains 30% turn meter. (Cooldown 3)

Militiagung Commander Leader: All Gungan allies have 40% critical avoidance, tenacity and defense, and all other allies have half that amount. The first time each Gungan ally is defeated, all other Gungan allies gain 20% critical avoidance, tenacity, and defense (stacking) until the end of the encounter.

Gungan Experience Unique: While General Ceel is active, all Gungan allies gain 50% potency, and whenever a Gungan ally inflicts a Booma, they gain a heal over time effect for 2 turns.

Gungan Soldier Kit Idea

Gungan Soldier
Light Side, Attacker, Galactic Republic, Gungan

Atlatl Assault Basic: Deal physical damage to target enemy and inflict tenacity down and a Booma for 2 turns.

Electropole Special 1: Deal physical damage to target enemy and inflict stun for 1 turn and healing immunity for 2 turns. Then, gain a Gungan Shield for 2 turns. (Cooldown 3)

Cesta Attack Special 2: Deal physical damage to target enemy and deal 10% more damage for each Booma the target is suffering. ZETA: Recover protection equal to the damage dealt and +10% damage per Booma. Cooldown -1. (Cooldown 2)

Militiagung Unique: Gungan Soldier has a 75% chance to take a bonus turn at the end of each of his turns. This chance is reduced to 10% if this effect triggered in the previous turn. He has +25% critical chance.

I made a different kit for Jar Jar a while ago but I’ve made some changes and like this one better.

Gungan Shield: Unit has defense and critical avoidance equal to their current percent of max health. +100% evasion against out of turn attacks. Can’t be copied.

Booma: When inflicted, deal damage equal to 10% of unit’s max health. Unit has -5% speed, offense, defense, critical avoidance, and critical chance per stack. Can’t be dispelled. Max stacks 10.

9 Replies

  • I really like these. The booma's seem a bit too good, but they are reasonable, so I think it's ok. How do you put kits in the spoiler tab.
  • "ReworkGriev0us;c-1818872" wrote:
    I really like these. The booma's seem a bit too good, but they are reasonable, so I think it's ok. How do you put kits in the spoiler tab.

    You use (spoiler) kit (/spoiler) with brackets instead of parentheses.
  • "Decker;c-1819240" wrote:

    Jar Jar Binks Kit Idea
    Jar Jar Binks
    Light Side, Tank, Galactic Republic, Gungan

    Why is he not tagged as Sith?

    I’ve got a different kit for Darth Jar Jar.
  • These are awesome. I really like them. But as always I do have some feedback for them. Thou not as much as always.
    Boss Nass:
    Like the idea. Only problem I have is his unique Proud Ruler. It isn't really clear to me how to upgrade it's level. How do you get the 8 different levels on this ability?
    Jar Jar Binks:
    This is my favorite kit of them all. It is beyond clever. Remember A while back when I said that you made the best kit "for now". Looks like I was fully right :) . Only thing that bothers me is the Critical Chance down on his basic. He also has a taunt on his special so that really feels worded weirdly. It feels like it belongs in a unique more than on his basic. With the way it's worded at least.
    Captain Tarpals:
    While I get why you did it, his on death bonuses are weird. He isn't the tank in this team so he won't be targeted. And seeing how his unique allows for more booma's to be placed you kinda don't want him to die either. Maybe grant the entire team bonuses whenever any Gungan ally dies? Would make more sense from a game play standpoint. Or make him an off tank in some way. You do have 3 supports and 3 leaders in this team, which is a bit much.
    General Ceel:
    I only think the on death bonuses from his leadership are a bit weak. You lose an ally for crying out loud. You are allowed to do some better things.
    Gungan Soldier:
    1 problem: the bonus action from his unique. If you mean this like raid bosses do than I'm going to say no. That really is a raid specific mechanic that falls really flat when you consider player control. I really advise against it. Instead I have 2 different solutions. Both already existing currently in the game. Either make him attack again, using his basic (like darth revan using lacerate under certain conditions) or, my personal preferred one, have him have a chance to gain a bonus turn. Like Wicket has. Those would work and be pretty neat to have.
    Booma Debuff:
    The damage on placing is too high. seriously, you are supposed to place this all over the place yet it does 20% health damage? That is way too much. I recommend reducing it to 10%. Also, considering they reduce speed I think they need some sort of max cap. maybe 10? Seems fair.

    Overall these are awesome. Great work as always.
  • "Ichiraikou;c-1819729" wrote:
    These are awesome. I really like them. But as always I do have some feedback for them. Thou not as much as always.
    Boss Nass:
    Like the idea. Only problem I have is his unique Proud Ruler. It isn't really clear to me how to upgrade it's level. How do you get the 8 different levels on this ability?
    Percent chance to stun droids, which at max level is 100%. At level 1 it could be a 20% chance.

    Jar Jar Binks:
    This is my favorite kit of them all. It is beyond clever. Remember A while back when I said that you made the best kit "for now". Looks like I was fully right :) . Only thing that bothers me is the Critical Chance down on his basic. He also has a taunt on his special so that really feels worded weirdly. It feels like it belongs in a unique more than on his basic. With the way it's worded at least.
    What debuff do you think he should inflict on himself other than CC down? Maybe offense down? Or do you think I should get rid of the debuff all together?

    Captain Tarpals:
    While I get why you did it, his on death bonuses are weird. He isn't the tank in this team so he won't be targeted. And seeing how his unique allows for more booma's to be placed you kinda don't want him to die either. Maybe grant the entire team bonuses whenever any Gungan ally dies? Would make more sense from a game play standpoint. Or make him an off tank in some way. You do have 3 supports and 3 leaders in this team, which is a bit much.
    Yeah I added the death bonus as a nod to his sacrifice when he got killed by grievous. But I’ll make the bonus for any gungan ally. I have to lower it from -30% offense though to somewhere about -15%, or else the enemy team won’t have enough damage to take out the last remaining gungan.

    General Ceel:
    I only think the on death bonuses from his leadership are a bit weak. You lose an ally for crying out loud. You are allowed to do some better things.
    I’ll double the death bonuses, but I only gave Ceel a leader ability because I felt he deserved one, not because I want it to be very useful or anything.

    Gungan Soldier:
    1 problem: the bonus action from his unique. If you mean this like raid bosses do than I'm going to say no. That really is a raid specific mechanic that falls really flat when you consider player control. I really advise against it. Instead I have 2 different solutions. Both already existing currently in the game. Either make him attack again, using his basic (like darth revan using lacerate under certain conditions) or, my personal preferred one, have him have a chance to gain a bonus turn. Like Wicket has. Those would work and be pretty neat to have.
    I thought it’d be neat to give a playable character a bonus action like a raid boss, but since a bonus action is so similar to a bonus turn, I’ll switch it.

    Booma Debuff:
    The damage on placing is too high. seriously, you are supposed to place this all over the place yet it does 20% health damage? That is way too much. I recommend reducing it to 10%. Also, considering they reduce speed I think they need some sort of max cap. maybe 10? Seems fair.
    I’ll bring the damage down to 10%, only made it 20% because of all the exposes that resistance and rebels with c3po toss around. I don’t see the point of adding a cap of 10, considering that just from Boomas alone the target would’ve been dealt damage equal to 100% of their max health. By the time there are 10 Boomas on an enemy they are nearly dead.

    Overall these are awesome. Great work as always.

  • "DaPowerfulJedi;c-1820091" wrote:
    Percent chance to stun droids, which at max level is 100%. At level 1 it could be a 20% chance.

    Ah. Yeah that works.

    What debuff do you think he should inflict on himself other than CC down? Maybe offense down? Or do you think I should get rid of the debuff all together?

    I actually think the debuff is pretty clever, Thou maybe add some critical damage bonuses in his kit as well to really help make those few crits he does score count (maybe only while he has crit chance down). The problem I tried to point out is the wording. It wouldn't be a problem if his basic was the only way he could gain taunt. But he has another way. So saying "whenever he gains taunt" seems wrong. Like it should be mentioned in an unique instead of the basic. Or have it listed with the other 50% chance effects.

    Yeah I added the death bonus as a nod to his sacrifice when he got killed by grievous. But I’ll make the bonus for any gungan ally. I have to lower it from -30% offense though to somewhere about -15%, or else the enemy team won’t have enough damage to take out the last remaining gungan.

    I can understand that. -150% damage potential (5 deaths) is a bit much. Is nice now.

    I’ll double the death bonuses, but I only gave Ceel a leader ability because I felt he deserved one, not because I want it to be very useful or anything.


    I thought it’d be neat to give a playable character a bonus action like a raid boss, but since a bonus action is so similar to a bonus turn, I’ll switch it.

    The bonus action kinda falls appart when you consider player input/control. This would be nice except that he can now basically chain turns together. Like he gains another turn and then that turn also has a 75% chance for another turn. This is why wicket has the "reduced to 10% if triggered in previous turn" part of his unique. I recommend adding that here as well.

    I’ll bring the damage down to 10%, only made it 20% because of all the exposes that resistance and rebels with c3po toss around. I don’t see the point of adding a cap of 10, considering that just from Boomas alone the target would’ve been dealt damage equal to 100% of their max health. By the time there are 10 Boomas on an enemy they are nearly dead.

    Expose at least has the condition that the enemy needs to be hit before the damage triggers. Leaving some counter play possible. As for the stack, Raid bosses, Kylo Ren and anyone who has consistent healing will survive. The problem is the speed reduction. Too many stacks and the enemy can reach 0 speed. This should never be a possibility. Hence the stack limit.


  • "Ichiraikou;c-1820194" wrote:
    "DaPowerfulJedi;c-1820091" wrote:
    What debuff do you think he should inflict on himself other than CC down? Maybe offense down? Or do you think I should get rid of the debuff all together?

    I actually think the debuff is pretty clever, Thou maybe add some critical damage bonuses in his kit as well to really help make those few crits he does score count (maybe only while he has crit chance down). The problem I tried to point out is the wording. It wouldn't be a problem if his basic was the only way he could gain taunt. But he has another way. So saying "whenever he gains taunt" seems wrong. Like it should be mentioned in an unique instead of the basic. Or have it listed with the other 50% chance effects.
    Okay, now I understand how the wording is an issue. I’ll specify that he only gains critical chance down from his basic ability, not his special too. And I’ll add extra CD to his unique zeta, plus something I forgot to put in his basic ability: high damage variance, like Stormtrooper. Meant to put that in.

    "Ichiraikou;c-1820194" wrote:
    "DaPowerfulJedi;c-1820091" wrote:
    I thought it’d be neat to give a playable character a bonus action like a raid boss, but since a bonus action is so similar to a bonus turn, I’ll switch it.

    The bonus action kinda falls appart when you consider player input/control. This would be nice except that he can now basically chain turns together. Like he gains another turn and then that turn also has a 75% chance for another turn. This is why wicket has the "reduced to 10% if triggered in previous turn" part of his unique. I recommend adding that here as well.

    Good point, I’ll add that in.

    "Ichiraikou;c-1820194" wrote:
    "DaPowerfulJedi;c-1820091" wrote:
    I’ll bring the damage down to 10%, only made it 20% because of all the exposes that resistance and rebels with c3po toss around. I don’t see the point of adding a cap of 10, considering that just from Boomas alone the target would’ve been dealt damage equal to 100% of their max health. By the time there are 10 Boomas on an enemy they are nearly dead.

    Expose at least has the condition that the enemy needs to be hit before the damage triggers. Leaving some counter play possible. As for the stack, Raid bosses, Kylo Ren and anyone who has consistent healing will survive. The problem is the speed reduction. Too many stacks and the enemy can reach 0 speed. This should never be a possibility. Hence the stack limit.
    Well zombie can reach zero speed, but no I get what you’re saying. Sometimes I forget that Rancor raid and Tank raid bosses can easily be debuffed unlike Sith raid bosses, so getting 20 Boomas on them would be an easy way to solo each phase which shouldn’t be allowed to happen. I’ll cap Boomas at 10 stacks.
  • "Dinotank46;c-1822182" wrote:
    Why is boss nass a gungan

    That’s just his species.

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