Forum Discussion

cmjstota106's avatar
Seasoned Scout
9 days ago

Han no longer shoots first

I moment of silence for Han Solo.  Until now Han always shot first, but now Great Mothers shoots first...

  • This is a known issue and will be fixed in one of the future updates. 

    • 8emgf2hdgna2's avatar

      So the game is bugged and affects players ability to use it, and the response is that it will get addressed 'at some point in the future.'  Nice.  Meanwhile, this is destroying people's abilities to play in various game modes.

      It's not just Great Mothers.  I just played a Conquest node where my Han didn't take his first move until after about 30 other moves had been completed.  He wasn't debuffed, there were no weird modifiers for this.  He just never got a turn.  We invest resources into this, and then don't get what we pay for.  

      If you buy a shirt at a store, and find it has a hole in it, do you tolerate a company that says, "We'll replace that for you in one of our future updates?"  Like, 'Yeah, that thing you paid for...  we'll get you a useable one at some indeterminate time in the future, but we're keeping your money all the same.'  No, you go back and get a shirt without a problem, or you raise hell with a consumer right's bureau to harass said company until they do what's right.

      EA has many "Worst Company in America" recognitions from Consumerist for a reason.  They are unethical in how they treat their own consumers.  The number of bugs and problems in this game does not even compare to any other game I've ever played in my entire life (in my early 40s now).  Games used to almost NEVER have bugs, and if they did, it would be one or two things, and a patch would quickly be released for free.  With SWGOH, 10+ bugs are reported daily, and most are ignored.  The app becomes practically unusable at a certain point.  This is why I haven't spent a penny in the app since 2018.  The money is simply being pocketed while the app itself continues to degrade.  If you want players to invest in your game, invest in your players.  When you just take people's money, and don't give them what they've paid for, it's fraud.

      • MasterSeedy's avatar
        Rising Hotshot

        What node -- challenge path or not, mid boss/endboss or not, and what sector? What enemy were you facing and what was your own team comp? 

  • TanneRDZS's avatar
    Rising Rookie

    If they don't fix that with the next update, CG is officially helpless. Money over tradition