9 years ago
Help! Heroic AAT Raid completion, need assistance
Hello! We are 8 hours away from the end of our Heroic AAT raid, and we have 56% left in P3, having run out of steam. Can a victory be salvaged? We've purged some folks from our ranks and have 6 open slots that could benefit from some generous power player participation. Please help us finish this raid! We will go back to Normal after this, clearly we need to go back to the drawing board, but we would like to complete this for the benefit of our guild.
Ally Code is 385-265-763 Yodaman. Join us and you can start plugging away as you like! Hoping that, with the right numbers/group, we can clear P3 and push further. Unfortunately all we can offer is our fervent gratitude, if not a promise that, if you need some of us for your own Heroic AAT, we may be able to provide similar assistance. Thanks!
Ally Code is 385-265-763 Yodaman. Join us and you can start plugging away as you like! Hoping that, with the right numbers/group, we can clear P3 and push further. Unfortunately all we can offer is our fervent gratitude, if not a promise that, if you need some of us for your own Heroic AAT, we may be able to provide similar assistance. Thanks!