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Nagyn7's avatar
8 years ago

Help on Farming Who/Team Build who

Hi experts, im new in this game. I'm lvl 44 and this is my profile

My main squad for everything is
-Chewie 4 * gear VI
-Jedi Consouler 4* gear V
-Kylo Ren 4* gear IV
-Talia 3* gear III
-Asoka thano 2*gear IV

Actually i farming the following char
-Lando (56/80)
-Boba Fett (40/80)
-Luminara (12/50)

I really dont know if the I'm farming the good charactaer, if they are helpfull, and i don't know if i have the "great" team that i can build with all of my character.

Also arena ranking ~5k.
Light Side 4-J
Dark Side 3-D
Cantina 3-1


10 Replies

  • I decided to start farming Phoenix Characters so I could get Palpatine and Thrawn but I think that you should get a full rebel team (Lando, ST Han, Leia etc.)
  • Full rebel will help with any event? I read that scoundrel also should be farmed
  • "Nagyn;c-1392329" wrote:
    Full rebel will help with any event? I read that scoundrel also should be farmed

    You need scoundrels for credits heists that happens every 6-12 days.

    There's always a credit shortage in this game so it's essential to be able to complete credit heists. Lando and Boba are two of the best scoundrels.

    There will be a Palpatine event probably early in January that will need 5 rebels. If you have 5 rebels at 5 star you will have a chance for a 5 star palpatine.

    A few of the best arena teams you can have are full rebels. If you can run something like Wiggs Lando Ezra STH it will be one of the best earlymidgame arena squad you can have.

    You also need farm boy Luke r2d2 princess Leia old Ben and sth for the Commander Luke Skywalker heroes journey. These are all rebels.

    Lando and Sthan are both rebels and scoundrels so work well for the meta arena team and for credit heists.

  • Since you will get 80 Ackbar shards later through the events that lead up yo unlocking the fleet arena, I would farm St Han in the arena shop instead. Keep farmin Lando and Boba. All three of them are scoundrels, and you need scoundrels for the credit heist — a valuable source of credits, which is one of the two main currencies for developing your roster (along side crystals). Furthermore all 3 of them will also form a base for a great mid—game arena team and they also have good uses in other game modes. From GW shop farm Biggs and also his hard mode nodes. He's an easy farm and a good addition to the other three in the arena. At a later stage, you will have access to farm Wedge as well, and the Biggs + Wedge dup is fabulous.
  • Chewie is fine at 4 stars for now. Jedi counsulor and Ahsoka are nice to farm.

    Try climbing as much as possible in the arena. However, you might have a hard time with the top being far ahead of you already when you joined the arena.

    Spend all crystals on energy refreshes (3 x 50 crystals at least). The more energy you spemd the faster you level and unlock new game modes or new tiers of challenges etc.
  • Talia is not worth it.
    Kylo and luminara are ok, but you have several far better options atm. in cantina and GW shop.
  • Here is my opinion (a lot to read, but hang in there), since you are a beginner / towards mid level player, i suggest that you go all-in on the phoenix squad, because they will help you in so many areas of the game, cantina battles, light side battles, arena, raids (rancor phase 1, aat phase 2). But eventually you will get to the point where they are not good enough anymore in arena (top 800 or top 500 i think), however that is ok, because they will be your primary farming team, they will get you all kinds of toons you need when you are past mid level and unlock thrawn and palpatine for you, plus help make galalctic war easier for you. Just 1 thing, forget about sabine until you are at a level where you get a lot of guild store tokens, she is too hard for you to farm right now, after her get captain rex asap.

    After them this should be your farming priorities: Cantina battles, 1 Lando, 2 (farmboy) luke skywalker, 3 old ben, 4 Wedge (he is in stage 6 cantina, get him asap after first 3), 5 empire tie pilot, 6 Royal Guard, 7 ayla secura, 8 jedi knight anakin, 9 barris offee.

    Cantina store, 1 boba fett, 2 old daka, 3 qui.gon jin, 4 fives, 5 Poe dameron, after them you decide.

    Arena store, 1 Princess leia (do not worry, she is great if you do not have han solo (tier 7 rancor raid reward), loads of damage output), 2 Stormtrooper Han, 3 Grandmoff Tarkin, 4 admiral ackbar, 5 IG-88, 6 savage opress, 7 darth sidious.

    Galactic war store (do not farm ships there, unless you are desperate), 1 teebo (he is the very best f2p rancor raid toon, jyn erso is the new number 1 but she can only be found in guild store), 2 biggs darklighter, 3 captain phasma, 4 cad bane, after them you decide but you can not go wrong with luminara.

    Hard nodes light/dark side battles, farm the ones listed above if you can find them there, make sure to farm gear, gear level is about as important as star count, fx a 7 star gear level 7 character is as strong as a 5 star gear level 10 character. Daily activity rewards will help you.

    That should be enough for you to do the next 6 or 8 months :) They are all toons that you will need, or help you get what you need for many events, like emperor palpatine, grand admiral thrawn, grandmaster yoda and R2D2, i have listed the toons as is to try and balance your progression for both light side and dark side characters as you level up and unlock various game modes.

    After the ones listed above, i would suggest that you farm the resistance and first order factions, they are starting to be 'must have' factions at the moment (arena and territory battles + wars), in fact finn´s leadership with a zeta upgrade is the best currently. Until then use wedge and biggs in arena, when you get them that is, they are amazing together, they are top tier toons for f2p, even in top 200.

    Boba fett, cad bane, stormtrooper han, IG-88 and lando, will help you a lot in credit heist, about IG-88 in the priority i listed him as, you decide if you want to get him sooner for credit heist event.

    P.S. A general rule i use, when you start farming a character, finish farming that character all the way up to 7 stars, you avoid wasting time and resources that way, unless it is necessary for the sake of building up your team for an event or challenge, in that case build up for 1 event/challenge at a time.

    P.S. again. And some galactic war advise, galactic war sets the difficulty according to your 5 strongest toons (the first five you see in your roster under the 'all' tab, not arena power), pick 3 teams to build up side by side, when 1 team is at the same gear level and similar power, focus on the next team and then the third team, after that go back to the first team and repeat the process. This way you should avoid getting sudden/impossible difficulty spikes.
  • Wow first of all, thanks to all of u'r support guys.

    Little update

    -Unlocked Lando ( he's damn great), Ackbar and Grandmoff Tarkin

    Ill answer in a big reply

    -Which should be a great Phoenix Squad? I read that chopper/zeb/ezra are must have or i'm wrong?
    -Got it about who to farm and in which order, the main question is

    " make sure to farm gear, gear level is about as important as star count, fx a 7 star gear level 7 character is as strong as a 5 star gear level 10 character. Daily activity rewards will help you."

    that's probably correct, i can see the difference between an high star and i well geared character. But atm i just have all of them at 4* and i'm not able to join to guild wars.

    So i should focus just on the gear and "char to farm" till i got something all of that or
    Farm Gear
    Farm a group of character described and then focus on fragments? Or just unlock all of them in order to be
    able to join all the event?

    Is it worth to farm just one guy to star 7 to join as soon i can in guild wars?

    Next question, how one great team should be for arena?

    Atm i found a bit cool composition like

    -jedi counsoler
    -Grandmoff Tarkin

    Got Tank, big aoe dmg, Tarkin debuff them, and kylo/lando do a tons of dmg.

    Before i got this Phoenix Team is it good as arena composition?

    Thanks to all.

  • Hi Nagyn

    Your arena team has a few problems.

    1. They don't have any abilities that boost each other because of who thry are.

    2. You have three characters using aoe attacks. Any counter team with dooku or phoenix or igd will eat you alive.
  • Again a lot to read, but hang in there.

    "Nagyn;c-1400016" wrote:

    -Which should be a great Phoenix Squad? I read that chopper/zeb/ezra are must have or i'm wrong?

    Well it depends on what you need them for, arena, galactic war or raids (territory battles will not be open to you until level 65 i think). My usual GW team is: Hera (L), kanan, zeb, sabine & ezra, loads of damage output while still being tanky and fairly survivable. The other team comp i use is for territory battles, i use chopper in stead of sabine, very tanky and very survivable, though a bit low damage output, it takes a while to win. But for arena, i do not know.

    "Nagyn;c-1400016" wrote:

    So i should focus just on the gear and "char to farm" till i got something all of that or
    Farm Gear
    Farm a group of character described and then focus on fragments? Or just unlock all of them in order to be
    able to join all the event?

    Is it worth to farm just one guy to star 7 to join as soon i can in guild wars?

    You should focus on both gear and shards, farming character shards via hard nodes are not worth if you can farm that character in cantina battles or in the stores, very few characters can only be farmed in hard nodes (fewer still are worth it), but until you unlock those nodes farm the suggested characters in the hard nodes they can be found in as well. All gear that you can farm can be found in normal nodes, but there is some gear that you can only get through raids and guild store, very premium gear. Like i said gear is important, but star count is still more important, technically a star count makes you toon stronger (i am sure), but more important because it grants you access to higher tier game modes and more or higher tier/chance of rewards. First farm one toon at a time to 5 stars (for each farming location) and gear up that toon at the same time and the same for the next, then go back to the first one and farm him/her to 7 stars and gear up, try the team composition lower down in this post.

    For raids, territory battles, arena and GW, gear level makes your characters overall better and particularly more survivable, fx tier 7 rancor raid i suggest to have your toons at gear level 9 or higher (level 8 absolute minimum), because they can then take more hits and survive longer, thus dealing out more damage (but until you unlock that tier gear level 7 is fine). The same advise for tier 7 aat raid, but they should be at gear level 10 absolute minimum (gear 9 or lower will get wiped out in the first few rounds), unless that team has very good synergy with each other or it consists of very good toons.

    "Nagyn;c-1400016" wrote:

    Next question, how one great team should be for arena?

    As @Naraic mentioned there are those problems with your team, but until you get better toons keep using it, i would then suggest you use phoenix squad (if you decide to farm them) or this one when you get them: Wedge (leader), stormtrooper han, biggs, ackbar and leia, very strong team. Wedge leader ability is such that whenever each toon does crit damage they heal themselves, biggs (he is super strong + fast when on same team as wedge) and wedge and leia huge damage output, ackbar clears debuffs and st han is a good tank.

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