Forum Discussion

Veritlyn's avatar
New Spectator
6 years ago

Help with Malak Light Side

So I beat the Dark Side part easily, but now I'm struggling with the Light.

I have G12, triple zetad Revan
G12 zetad Mission
G12 zetad Bastilla
G11 zetad Jolee
G11 zetad Zaalbar

I manage to kill all the captured Jedi, and keep his Dark Rage counter around 13-15, but as soon as I kill the last Jedi he starts doing 1 shot kills even though he hasn't hit 30 Dark Rage counters. And to clarify, I am the one killing the Jedi, he isn't absorbing them. Advice would be appreciated. Thanks!
  • "DarthVeritlyn;c-1942428" wrote:
    "KausDebonair;c-1942299" wrote:
    "dlv1986;c-1941795" wrote:
    put the paste on the brush wet apply to teeth scrub teeth rinse and or repeat....

    Wait, toothpaste on the brush THEN wet it? No no no this is all wrong! Wet THEN paste!

    Why not wet the brush, then apply paste, then wet the paste

    How about brush the teeth, then apply paste, then wet the teeth?
  • Has anybody had an issue with the driods not reappearing? There have been a couple of times where I destroy the 2nd driod with like 12 stacks on Malek, then no more driods appear the rest of the battle. By then I can only get 1 or 2 armour shreds on Malek.
  • Since I've been re-modding my LS team for the showdown, is there a modding strategy for the DS? What types of mods should I BOLO for on the DS portion?
  • "meutband;c-2151304" wrote:
    Has anybody had an issue with the driods not reappearing? There have been a couple of times where I destroy the 2nd driod with like 12 stacks on Malek, then no more driods appear the rest of the battle. By then I can only get 1 or 2 armour shreds on Malek.

    Yes, I had that issue the other day.

    I just recently finished off Mission so I could do this event & after a few kills of the droids they stopped spawning.