Forum Discussion

clchaos's avatar
7 years ago


Why doesn't HK have the old Republic tag? Sure he is "Dark Side" but should still have the tag and synergy with the rest of them.

29 Replies

  • It would actually be fitting to let you use any combo of two toons plus revan for the event. Kinda like you did in kotor.
  • Looks like we got an old fashion copy and paste battle going on. Well was going on.

    Nonetheless i agree with OP. Jolee was about as far as you could get from the Old republic as a faction. Because, you know. .he left them. So if he gets the tag than so should HK. Unless they are saving HK for the Exile and her tag. Then thats fine too.
  • I understand what they are doing there. I do believe that if you are from that era you get the tag but not every character gets every tag. HK is a good argument because he was Revans dog but so was Visas. I know we don't care about the characters being from either 1 or 2. Would Hannharr get it if they released him? I would think Bao would. Anyone that assisted the exile should get it, just not the enemies.