Forum Discussion

AbC5562a9887315's avatar
7 years ago

Hoda stealth removal

I'm not sure if one of the characters in the mythic event has the ability to remove stealth, or if the enemy is programmed to mass attack hoda, but thank you.

The first turn rounds of the mythic event every single character went for hoda, who wasn't stealthed for who knows why, but counted as being stealthed so they all missed anyways, making it extremely easy to clear with my not so great Jedi. Only mythic I have cleared with 1 g12... And that was hoda. 2 g11 and then a g8 Ezra and a g9 old Ben... Also I have none of yodas abilities maxed so I'm assuming the forced mission unit wasn't mine.

Anyways, seems bugged, seems to favor the player base, wanted to let you guys know... Even though it is the weekend...