Would rather Gandalf ship dodge than see xanadoom come in and defense down your fleet so your whole fleet gets OHKO while stuck behind gandalf ship wall
BUT WAIT THEREs more..... a second ship gets breached so your now OHKOable ships cannot 10 hit KO anyone.....
BUT WAIT THERES MOAR...Gandalf ship that cannot die gets retribution... it dont need it.... just gets it to rub in your impending dooms....
So a few loladodges dont matter you lost when you clicked enter battle.... dodges just there to TILT you more to get ya to spend money
Heh i cant wait for ship raid but you think HSTR was annoying.... get insurance on your phone cause we aint seen nothing yet along line of frustration coming down road
If there is a legendary coming....the 600 times you ran chewy event is gonna be a drop in the bucket. Gonna be like roddy piper in hell comes to frogtown.... doomsday is coming
Get insurance on your phone pad your walls cause phone throwin gonna be an olympic event soon !!!!