Forum Discussion

Darksamus51's avatar
3 years ago

Houndstooth Needs to be Nerfed

I’m sure I’m not the first to say it. And I’m sure I won’t be the last. But the Houndstooth is the most abysmal thing to fight in GAC or Fleet Arena. A ship like this should not exist. The hundreds of thousands of damage I have done to this ship in one fight, with ships of its same level and still not defeated it, only proves the point that it needs to be nerfed.

People have criticized me for comparing this game to other turn based strategy games, especially when I mention balancing issues, but I’m not about to stop now. Much like my issues with Kylo Ren (Unmasked) being essentially invincible unless he’s given a healing immunity, insta kill, or there is a large gear difference. Houndstooth is essentially invincible unless it’s the last ship and constantly taunts to avoid you killing other ships. Most people’s arguments when I bring up character imbalance is just a suggestion for me to use another character or ship to avoid or stamp out the problem. But with a game like SWGoH, saying, “You should just use this character you idiot.” is quite possibly the stupidest thing a person could say, seeing as it takes weeks FTP to get any character to a decent level. In any other game getting a character up in level wouldn’t be a problem and I wouldn’t complain, but characters are rough to get up and it’s infuriating.

I am fine with a ship or character that is tough to beat, but allowing that ship or character to be invincible unless you have a specific ship or character that has a an ability that few others have is stupid. The design of SWGoH is so imbalanced and idiotic in terms of other games that the most dedicated fans have chosen to lie to themselves and say this is good game design. And the only reason they don’t want people like me saying there are games with better balancing out there, is because they would have to recognize the horrible issues with this game they don’t want to acknowledge.

Ships are already an underdeveloped part of the game and all over the place with balance as it is, and having the houndstooth like this just makes it so much worse.
  • "Kyno;c-2308292" wrote:
    "Darksamus51;c-2308284" wrote:
    What’s the fun of playing a game that doesn’t put you and your opponent on equal footing? I mean that’s just the result of Mobile Gaming Trends. Intentionally unbalanced game design that feeds the company money. Literally all I said was I wanted one unit nerfed, and I find it telling that the arguments against that immediately tried to disprove my point by literally reexplaining my same argument in the original post.

    Arena groups are made around the time you open the game mode. That puts you in the same footing.

    GAC and TW are based on GP which is a measure of how much stuff you applied at many levels of development. All farming is time spent, so again this means you are facing players with a similar amount of time and resources applied. That is a fair footing.

    You seems to have disconnect with strategy in this game and ones like it. There are mechanics/toons/teams that have some element to them that makes it work(synergy). To beat those or get around them, you need to counter that element. This is a simple idea of strategy, it is what makes a team/character difficult to beat.

    So what you are saying is that in order to enjoy the game you must follow a strict path, disregard your wants and interests in other characters, and force the game into an uncreative single meta, that removes all but one strategy so that everyone can be on equal footing? I’m not the one saying to get rid of strategy here, it’s the people who only see the current meta and strategies and limited number of counters who are disregarding the chance for further complexity and strategy that could be established.

    All of this, because I said one character should be nerfed, which should show how messed up this game really is.
  • "Kyno;c-2308303" wrote:
    "Darksamus51;c-2308298" wrote:
    "Kyno;c-2308292" wrote:
    "Darksamus51;c-2308284" wrote:
    What’s the fun of playing a game that doesn’t put you and your opponent on equal footing? I mean that’s just the result of Mobile Gaming Trends. Intentionally unbalanced game design that feeds the company money. Literally all I said was I wanted one unit nerfed, and I find it telling that the arguments against that immediately tried to disprove my point by literally reexplaining my same argument in the original post.

    Arena groups are made around the time you open the game mode. That puts you in the same footing.

    GAC and TW are based on GP which is a measure of how much stuff you applied at many levels of development. All farming is time spent, so again this means you are facing players with a similar amount of time and resources applied. That is a fair footing.

    You seems to have disconnect with strategy in this game and ones like it. There are mechanics/toons/teams that have some element to them that makes it work(synergy). To beat those or get around them, you need to counter that element. This is a simple idea of strategy, it is what makes a team/character difficult to beat.

    So what you are saying is that in order to enjoy the game you must follow a strict path, disregard your wants and interests in other characters, and force the game into an uncreative single meta, that removes all but one strategy so that everyone can be on equal footing? I’m not the one saying to get rid of strategy here, it’s the people who only see the current meta and strategies and limited number of counters who are disregarding the chance for further complexity and strategy that could be established.

    All of this, because I said one character should be nerfed, which should show how messed up this game really is.

    No, you have many options on how to play the game. Follow every whim and let your heart be free.

    Yes if you want to be on the competitive path, you will need to understand the game and how to play it. Players use teams in the most effective way available. If you want to counter that, you would need to do the same. That is the strategy in your roster, build up the most effective attack/defensive characters/teams that can both allow you to win on offense against the teams you will see and hold in the best way you see fit.

    All of this because you want a character nerfed because you dont like it or the strategies needed to develop an effective roster. That is a slippery slope in a game where players have built up their roster over years.

    Exactly, the game is fundamentally flawed, and any change for the better eliminates the amount of money and time CG has scammed out of people. You are exactly right. How dare I want the game to be better than it is. Let’s just except the way it is and never question if things should change. That way CG can never learn from their “amazing” business practices. Also thought I might add that they nerfed Darth Vader and other powerful toons recently making them far less powerful to make the game more unbalanced and everyone in this chat is acting like me suggesting a nerf of Houndstooth is worse lol.
  • Thanks for talking with me. I think this will be my last forum post. It’s obvious that people don’t want things to change, and certainly don’t want to question what is best for the game. Sorry if I offended or hurt anyone, it certainly wasn’t my intention, but I think it’s best if I just leave this site behind.
  • Grogu_4470's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    @Darksamus51 I think I may be able to help … if I can see your roster. What is your Maybe I can see what you got.
  • Grogu_4470's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    HT has counters, it is not unbeatable, and the ship is obtainable to everyone, as are the counters. That is actually good for game design.

    In fact multiple counters I have are easier to obtain than HT itself.
  • Grogu_4470's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    "Darksamus51;c-2308284" wrote:
    What’s the fun of playing a game that doesn’t put you and your opponent on equal footing? I mean that’s just the result of Mobile Gaming Trends. Intentionally unbalanced game design that feeds the company money. Literally all I said was I wanted one unit nerfed, and I find it telling that the arguments against that immediately tried to disprove my point by literally reexplaining my same argument in the original post.

    Did you take a break from the game? As Kyno said, arena shards are created when you unlock those specific arenas. I probably played and got bored of this game when I was 5 or something, cos I have the same game centre now, and yes I have to deal with the same game, after I unlocked squad arena. I have JMK+CATs and will have LV+Mauls too later today, but I don’t complain. I make my way up slowly. I chose not to restart. I also chose to go for my passions, before now actually starting on a direct path. If you don’t want to farm a ship / ships to counter HT, you won’t counter HT. It’s pretty simple. However, if we see your roster, we may notice something else is the problem e.g. crew gear / mods.
  • "TheChild_eats_eggs1;c-2308369" wrote:

    Did you take a break from the game? As Kyno said, arena shards are created when you unlock those specific arenas. I probably played and got bored of this game when I was 5 or something, cos I have the same game centre now, and yes I have to deal with the same game, after I unlocked squad arena. I have JMK+CATs and will have LV+Mauls too later today, but I don’t complain. I make my way up slowly. I chose not to restart. I also chose to go for my passions, before now actually starting on a direct path. If you don’t want to farm a ship / ships to counter HT, you won’t counter HT. It’s pretty simple. However, if we see your roster, we may notice something else is the problem e.g. crew gear / mods.

    Just because calling out your waffle amuses me, you get many jmk/cats and lv/maul teams back in the high 300’s? That’s some strong shard you have there..
  • Grogu_4470's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    "Damodamo;c-2308403" wrote:
    "TheChild_eats_eggs1;c-2308369" wrote:

    Did you take a break from the game? As Kyno said, arena shards are created when you unlock those specific arenas. I probably played and got bored of this game when I was 5 or something, cos I have the same game centre now, and yes I have to deal with the same game, after I unlocked squad arena. I have JMK+CATs and will have LV+Mauls too later today, but I don’t complain. I make my way up slowly. I chose not to restart. I also chose to go for my passions, before now actually starting on a direct path. If you don’t want to farm a ship / ships to counter HT, you won’t counter HT. It’s pretty simple. However, if we see your roster, we may notice something else is the problem e.g. crew gear / mods.

    Just because calling out your waffle amuses me, you get many jmk/cats and lv/maul teams back in the high 300’s? That’s some strong shard you have there..

    I meant the top. Therefore I won’t ever get there. I haven’t payed attention to arena for a while cos I’m not that free, but usually I see other GLs I’m the top 200.
  • I don't use HT at all anymore. Not on GAC defence or attack if things go well. It might see action if I mess up on fleet offence, but it is not in my top 4 fleets at all. If I get around to Executor of course it'll be used again. But only because of the full fleet synergy, not because the one ship is over powered.