Forum Discussion

NGFury's avatar
7 years ago

How are people not ready for Thrawn event (let the complaints begin)

I normally don't complain about an unexpected events, and I really try not to complain about others complaining. But when I saw someone complain about the Thrawn character event... COME ON?!? HOW INCOMPETENT DO YOU HAVE TO BE?!? This is an event that occurred MONTHS ago. You KNEW who it would require, and they are literally one of the EAST squads in the game to acquire. People complain about how other events distracted them. How hard is it? I have had my Phoenix at 7 stars for between 2 months and 2 weeks depending upon which character. I also got CLS and yeah, I did have to spend $20 to get the Old Ben shards but aside from that I haven't spent a nickel. I have even been working on Resistance, First Order, Tusken Shaman, Clones, Sith, Lobot, Hoth Soldier, Hoth Scout, Ugnaut, Pao, Rook, and shard shop currency. I have grinded 3 stun cuffs since shard shop update. If I can do all of this and still be ready for this event, why are some people dumb enough to complain to the developers. Thanks to the 99% of people who were prepared or at least can acknowledge that their loss is their responsibility. The ship event was less expected, but honestly, the Phoenix ships are good ships, they are easy to upgrade, many people mentioned the possibility of a Grand Admiral having a new capital ship... But the character event there is no excuse for anyone not being prepared for that. I literally have his gear stocked in advance. We even had the R2 event return to help signal he would be coming back soon. And if you were so desperate to get a 5 star BB-8 that you couldn't prepare for a 7 star Thrawn, why are you complaining that yours will only be 5 stars? If you don't want a 5 star, then just focus on Thrawn. I have a few bones to pick with the devs, but I pity them having to hear complaints about things that the only way they could have made it more obvious is by literally announcing weeks in advance the exact return date of a specific character. It was hinted at though. And they did give an extra few days of warning.
Good luck to everyone, Thrawn is great and I love him. Read "Thrawn" by Timothy Zahn if you haven't already. Fast read.