Forum Discussion

dwinkelm's avatar
7 years ago

How to make DoTs great

So there have been lots and lots of character kits that try their darndest to take advantage of the currently-paltry DoT effect. Yes, it does add up in raids with effect, but still falls short of most any recent character or team strategy.... and they're almost totally ineffective in shorter battles such as arena (with the exception of Zylo, who benefits massively from such a "debuff"). I'd like to propose a two-pronged rework of the way DoTs work in order to make them menacing and strategy-provoking in a way which is notably lacking.

1. Change when DoTs effect the debuffed character.

I believe if DoTs acted more like the traditional "poison" effect in classic RPGs, it would vastly change how menacing and effective they would be. That is, instead of inflicting damage ONLY at the beginning of a character's turn, DoTs should inflict damage every time a character takes an action... every assist and counter attack would trigger the DoT effect. The very strong attributes of counter attacks and assists would be marginalized, but not to the extent to make them obsolete. This would create a beautiful dichotomy for a Vader v. CLS battle, as it should be (amongst countless other classic match-ups becoming significantly more interesting).

2. Change the mechanic for calculating the damage done by DoTs.

The current mechanic... taking away a percentage of health... is just plain old bad. It almost rewards toons with low health-pools and penalizes toons with high health-pools. There's a lack of creativity, strategy, and customization with this approach. Rather, I believe the damage done by DoTs ought to directly correalate to a character's potency... the higher the potency, the higher the damage (and make it a flat/discrete number). This would accomplish MANY strategies in factions the devs have been trying to marry with potency. For starters, it compliments the potency + debuff motif of The Empire. Continuing that thought, if properly executed, it would make the EP lead + Vader meaningful again (as it really should be). Further, it could allow for some interesting synergies with Boba-lead BH teams (or partial BH teams). Lastly, it would give the near-useless Potency Up buff a little more clout and make it desirable to invest in.

Imagine if you reworked zTarkin to give all allies potency up, with EP lead and Vader to boot... or Zader lead with zTarkin, zBoba, and two other DoT dealers (shaman and farmboy perhaps?). That would really add up to a great answer for the CLS meta, and any counter/assist-heavy team, and be an effective answer/strategy for a long long time.

What's everybody think? Can we at least agree that DoTs are vastly underwhelming and deserve to be looked at for a rework? And if we can agree on that, what does everybody think of these proposed reworks?
  • Another nice change would be to make most of the "when an ally takes damage..." to be more specific like "when an ally takes damage from an attack..."
  • DoTs are definitely underwhelming. They do not deter me or alter my strategy much at all unless it's a Vader led team, and even then it's not a deterrence, just an attack priority change.

    I'm not a fan of the 'on every action' idea as a normal effect, mainly because it conflicts with the concept of it being a Damage Over TIME. That sounds like a neat, if situationally useful, leader ability or a 'unique' DoT effect (see below).

    I really like the idea of potency modifying damage. It's simple and, most importantly to me, it makes sense conceptually: the more potent the poison/curse/disease, the worse its effect and harder it is to resist).

    I think a number of DoTs should immediately dispel when the character that inflicted it is defeated (Vader can't force-choke you when he's dead.) Some should stay (the bacterial infection from the Gammorean Guard's axe doesn't care if you killed him.)

    I also think increasing the damage done with each turn and/or stack (either linearly or exponentially) would provide a lot of excitement: i.e. Make the number of DoTs inflicted and the number of rounds they last be of strategic importance in character selection (do I want 1 DoT for 3 turns or 2 DoTs for 2 turns?)

    The biggest change I would like to see would be to add different character-specific effects to some DoTs, like some Thermal Detonators do: This character's DoT lasts 2 rounds, then stuns, this character's DoT last 3 rounds, then fractures, this character's DoT lasts 2 turns and is inflicted upon another enemy, this character's DoT last 3 rounds, then goes away with a whimper because he's weaksauce, this character's DoT ignores protection...

    All this said, however, I've done enough game design to know how incredibly difficult many of these ideas would be to redesign into a live product. The game balancing would be a nightmare, especially given the number of characters who seem to have DoTs added to their kit as an afterthought. Having the damage done related to potency seems like it'd be the easiest concept to balance and implement.
  • MasterSeedy's avatar
    Seasoned Hotshot

    Count me as another who likes the relationship of Potency to DoT damage. In order to balance this in a game where damage from Potency wasn't considered when assigning potency to different toons, it might be necessary to add in a fudge factor for each individual toon - but that's no difficulty. Just run the sims with damage based on Potency and if one toon that should be near the top of damage ends up dropping, throw on an adjustment for that toon. Some with one toon that should be near the bottom and ends up too strong. Maybe you'd design it differently if you were designing from scratch, but as a reason *not* to implement a relationship between Potency & DoT damage, it strikes me as unconvincing.
  • @MasterSeedy

    I think you misunderstood me. Of all the DoT ideas, I was saying that damage scaling with potency *IS* the one most applicable for a redesign. It's all my other clever ideas that would be the nightmare to implement.