She mostly likely will counter CLS Rebels. Han opens up first and both Wookies assist. 30% tm for you along with the +35 speed. If he target Iden, she can revive, so ensures 3* viability. Iden then uses her aoe and the entire enemy team counterattacks. Congrats, your team is now at 100% tm with good offense boosts and Iden revives again. Death Trooper starts doing what Death Trooper does best.
I am imagining this as a way to split Empire now:
Palps, Vader, Tarkin/IPD, Mara Jade, Thrawn
Veers, Starck, Piett, Dark, Range
Iden, Death, Snow, Magma, Shore
Lord Vader, RG, Gideon, Storm, Maul/KRU