Congrats on the nuptials!
Here is my rundown.
Great Mothers is awesome, but maybe too much so. I'm fully enjoying decimating everything in their path, but it's probably unfair that this team is beating everything ever created in SWGOH.
We are currently on ROTE TB Phase two and the Dark Side fleet battle (Geonosis) is still impossible. We either need some new ships to meet the challenge presented by this node or the devs might need to dial down the difficulty. I'd love to see some whole game statistics on how many players have attempted this node vs. how many are successful.
I have a few quality of life suggestions. In TB, when guild officers close a zone can we make it so that the guild members do not have any option to disobey orders? Many stars have been wiped out throughout the galaxy from these reckless and careless acts. Can we get a character sort option that sorts by relic level? The current option of sort by "gear tier" sorts all reliced characters alphabetically. Then G12.. gear 11... etc. I would like a sort option that would list all of my R9 toons first (not many of those), then R8, R7... etc. Can we make some changes to conquest in regard to the energy needed to swap discs. I used to buy the $30 conquest Pass+ every conquest, for a variety of reasons. Now, it doesn't have any real value over the $10 pass. The only thing that the pass+ had that I really miss is the ability to swap discs without penalty. This made conquest a lot of fun! Being able to theory craft which discs might be useful in certain situations was a great way to engage with this content. But paying an extra $20 above the base pass to get that "fun" isn't good value. In the end you are all creating content for us to enjoy. Why put one of the most fun aspects of conquest behind a paywall? My suggestion, move the free to swap data discs option from pass+ to the regular pass. In its place in pass+ grant the player 50 keycards. This will provide the player base a more fun way to interact with the conquest content and generate more revenue for CG. Lastly we need to slightly increase the cadence of zeta and omicron materials. With all of the new toons being added to the game and for those buying light speed bundles, there has been a huge crunch with regards to the availability of the materials. Basically the pace of the new toons arriving in the game doesn't match the speed at which players can gather these critical materials.
That's my rundown. Congrats again on the nuptials. Welcome back!
S. Duck