Forum Discussion

a1rune00's avatar
2 years ago

Is palpatine’s crackling doom worth zetaing now?

Currently palpatine is the first to die almost every time with my empire team. (Vader, MJ,RG, Thrawn,Vader) extra protection and recovery already sounds great but the damage sounds op. If I understand correctly a shocked, rebel, Jedi like Ezra bridger, Kyle Kataran, and old Ben would take 60% max health damage just by moving. Empire is my strongest team but I just got the cls team I wanna power up and idk where my zeta is most useful. I currently don’t have anyone on the cls team zeta’d
  • CLS' it binds all things zeta is one that I would definitely take over crackling doom, for instance
  • You get the dmg with or without the zeta, and yes the damage does stack that way.

    As far as the extra survivability, it can definitely be nice but it's not something I would consider worth taking over some much stronger zetas
  • Crackling Doom isn’t a worthwhile Zeta until you unlock and utilize Star Killer. Your zetas will be much-better spent on your CLS team… give that team ALL their zetas for sure!