Forum Discussion

MasterSeedy's avatar
Seasoned Hotshot
5 years ago

Is Unending Loyalty bugged?

I'm not sure what would be WAI, but RAW use of the Negotiator "Unending Loyalty" special grants each GalRep ship UL for 3 turns.

The thing is that if you use it while someone still has UL, it doesn't "refresh". So I have granted UL to all GalReps for 3 turns, then the very next ship to go is my Anakin ETA fighter. Anakin takes his turn...and UL expires.

Now, that would be the correct time to expire for the original UL (from Negotiator's Republic Determination passive) but it is obviously 2 turns too early for the 2nd application of UL to expire. is this WAI? Is this a bug? It doesn't seem like Anakin should get LESS protection from UL than other ships since it's the only one that gets the bonus UL at the start of the battle, but that's how it usually plays out for me.
  • "Debuff;c-2038430" wrote:
    then the opponents gauntlet starfighter hit my eta, didnt die but lost UL and was not stealthed. It was then destroyed by the next hit.

    I have no idea what happened. To me it looked like the gauntlet dispelled UL

    Gauntlet's special inflicts buff immunity.

  • All upgrades should have a disclaimer this may or may not work that you have to click on before upgrading.

    They can at least add that to the game if they cant fix all the bugs
  • "BobcatSkywalker;c-2038894" wrote:
    All upgrades should have a disclaimer this may or may not work that you have to click on before upgrading.

    They can at least add that to the game if they cant fix all the bugs

  • If they fixed it now it would create pandemonium in fleet, TW, and GAC. It will also destroy GG capital even worse than it does now, We won’t see this fixed for a while. They know this - and I’m betting that’s why they aren’t focusing on it.
  • MasterSeedy's avatar
    Seasoned Hotshot
    It will also destroy GG capital even worse than it does now,

    How will game balance be affected in you go from a guaranteed win that takes 2 minutes to a guaranteed win that takes 80 seconds?

    I'm not buying the "pandemonium" argument. The primary effect would be in mirror matches and the primary impact within those mirror matches would be on the player side, not the AI side. It would simply make strategy easier when you have the option of refreshing before it expires - you'll lose a turn on the back end, but you keep your ETA from being exposed too early on accident. That's it.