Of course they're working on the 6th han, and an all han raid. Where you fight frozen han, on jaba's ship. They don't care about hmm say 3/4 of the real players playing this game. They care about the noobs that come in when a new movie is pushed. Long time players are a scab in this marketing game. We're to critical to their wallets. 5 han's (I know I'm going there) who asked for that? Ships 2.0 who asked for that? A new raid? Sure we asked for that, but a rediculous challenge that is literally making the player base liquidate? No we didn't ask for that. We will get a response here and there but it will be short lived and probably have nothing to do with the post (like woops wrong area) and ones that support these mods/devs will glorify that and say "oh you funny dev you guys are great".