8 years ago
It's time for Tenacity Down to eliminate the minimum resist chance
Not much of an argument needs to made that tenacity down should inflict the opposite effect of tenacity up, that just makes sense and inflicting tenacity down should make negative effects irresistible.
The issue here isn't that the devs disagree, it's that it would be a difficult mechanic to adjust. On a 6 month old Reddit thread CapitalMethod stated the following in regards to the same request, specifically about Dengar:
"the 15% minimum Resist chance is hard-coded and works independently of the Tenacity stat, so changing that would be a significantly larger and more far-reaching change than we were willing to bite off with Dengar, but there's no reason we wouldn't consider changing it in the future if it became important."
Understandable. However, we are 6 months further into the game now and they have added 3 additional characters that can inflict tenacity down: Jawa Scavenger, Krennic, and Tie Fighter Pilot, the latter being an incredibly prevalent character in arena right now. Not that I have Krennic past what we were gifted, but if I shelled out the money to get him I would absolutely expect that tenacity down gets the same love its counterpart does. It's time to take on that difficult task.
The issue here isn't that the devs disagree, it's that it would be a difficult mechanic to adjust. On a 6 month old Reddit thread CapitalMethod stated the following in regards to the same request, specifically about Dengar:
"the 15% minimum Resist chance is hard-coded and works independently of the Tenacity stat, so changing that would be a significantly larger and more far-reaching change than we were willing to bite off with Dengar, but there's no reason we wouldn't consider changing it in the future if it became important."
Understandable. However, we are 6 months further into the game now and they have added 3 additional characters that can inflict tenacity down: Jawa Scavenger, Krennic, and Tie Fighter Pilot, the latter being an incredibly prevalent character in arena right now. Not that I have Krennic past what we were gifted, but if I shelled out the money to get him I would absolutely expect that tenacity down gets the same love its counterpart does. It's time to take on that difficult task.