Forum Discussion

MmoProNick's avatar
8 years ago

It's time for the nightsisters to get their faction pass.

For months numerous players on the forums have asked for the nightsisters to get a faction pass, and all the devs have given us is a few rather cruel jokes in the radiofree tattooine podcasts. But now that even the ewoks have gotten a pass, who's left to pass?!?!? Let me break it down for everyone here.

Empire, Sith, Ewoks, Jawas, clones, resistance, first order, some rebels, and certain jedi have all received a pass at one time or another. These teams have also gotten new, viable characters for them to enjoy.
Of the remaining factions, Geonosian and tusken are too small to warrant a pass, Droids have received new toons over a long period of time, and remain pretty strong, as have jedi.

That leaves two factions to fix up, (three if you count separatists), Scoundrel/Bounty Hunter, and the nightsisters.

Now, several toons that have the scoundrel tag are very useful in many areas, such as boba fett, Han (both kinds), Dengar (rancor), IG-88, and lando; whereas the nightsister's only truly viable toon is ventress. Not only are the nightsisters desperately underpowered, but this faction also has a few characters that Cg can add to it (Kariss, Talzin), giving many reasons for a pass. Please CG, give this faction the love it deserves, and stop mocking its plight!

Below is an old faction pass I suggested for the clan. Maybe some of you here would like to read it.

UDPATE: Feel free to leave suggestions on what You'd like to see in their eventually faction pass!