Forum Discussion

CamelChuToy's avatar
New Rookie
2 months ago

Jar Jar Event Coming back?

Getting really tired of this same pattern.  New character is released, all events basically force you to farm them.  So you do and then the time frame between events drastically increases.  Just put new characters on a schedule like everything else in this game.  Or do I need to pay for an episode pass for the event to return?

Also, just to also point out what others have, new pay to play update is great!(sarcasm) Only has cost me 2 of my guild members so far....  things need to really change in this game.  Go back to pay to speed up or don't pay and farm it slow.  

4 Replies

  • Unfortunately, we are in a time when the EA company is being greedy. I am also waiting for the jar jar event. But it doesn't seem like it will come for a long time

  • I also spent time and a little money to farm gungans pushed my self to level them up to basically have no event pop up this is ridiculous by the time the release the event again all feats needing them in any game mode will be gone, I get this is CGs strategy to punish us for not spending 400 dollars on day 1 but it's really a stupid strategy as you can see the more they gouge the more there profits go down I'm just waiting to see the fallout of the new update which basically took a whole game mode away from alot of us. 

  • CG I am going to speak in F. Portuguese,fodase arrangem o caralho do vosso jogo pq no evento do jar jar ele morre a 1 vez quando o maul faz o AOE como querem que nos fassamos o evento porra eu I outros gastamos dinheiro para esta merda assim vou fazer greve SE entrar no jogo como mtos deviam fazer ate daqui Po ano gosto do jogo mas Temos melhor SE n for SW Temos Outros parecidos ex: marvel strike force šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜

  • ScoundrelRui01's avatar
    New Hotshot
    2 months ago

    I have my gungans at R7 for the raid and I had to put my raid mods on for the unlock.

    I used to play MSF and I found it to be not just pay to win, but pay to play. Because you couldn't even gear up a character without paying for gear.