Forum Discussion

Tophar88's avatar
8 years ago

Jedi knight guardian

Any good at all? Any use in P1 tank maybe?
I've never used her, but at this point would be an easy farm from cantina store. Wondering if anyone has found her useful in a full jedi team?
  • Thanks for the swift responses all. Was hoping someone had found a use for her but nevermind
  • "Sidmauldooku;906215" wrote:
    No.. Ignore: JKG,cup,uggy,ns acolyte,shormtrooper,tuskens, and a few more

    Uggy when properly geared and omega'd (yes, I was bored) can have a place on a phase 3 AAT team. Just sayin'. I do agree with the rest of your "pay no mind" list. :)
  • "Sidmauldooku;906215" wrote:
    No.. Ignore: JKG,cup,uggy,ns acolyte,shormtrooper,tuskens, and a few more

    Uggy is actually very useful.
    Especially for the separatist assualt event.
  • Same thing they said bout sidius and dooku and now look. I say farm every toon no matter what, you never know what tomorrow will bring.
  • "chupacabra_pr;906298" wrote:
    Same thing they said bout sidius and dooku and now look. I say farm every toon no matter what, you never know what tomorrow will bring.

    Sid and dooks weren't useless - they had their time, everyone used to run both of them at one time, then the meta shifted, protection came along, wiggs could kill dooku before he could even counter :( I liked using dooku.

    That being said you still have a point, they could do a chirpa with her! I won't be holding my breath for a rework though sadly.
  • Time to go back to the STH and Dooku tickle to gain TM technique, seeing as how Sith still can't dispel ;) (unless Nihilus brings a dispel)