Forum Discussion

LukrFoxi's avatar
New Rookie
2 months ago

JJB event broken? (Maul one-shots JJ) [solved]

4th stage of the event. Right after I use anything with Boss Nass, Maul get his turn and uses his splash dmg which INSTAKILLS Jar Jar and and Boomadier (for some reason). This results in instant loss as JJ must survive this stage. It is very frustrating, was anyone able to defeat this stage on this ongoing event which started 1h ago? :D 

Edit: Looks like some RNG stright from hell or was it resolved? After many retries, Maul just stoped one-shoting Jar Jar (even without Deathmark on JJ). I started the run with BN's basic as this was the only way to get more turns. With that, I was able to defeat the 4th stage.


3 Replies

  • I am having the same issue. Watched all the how-to videos and nothing is working. As soon as Maul does an AOE, JJ dies. I finally got past turn 1 by using BN's basic which allowed me to get 5-6 more turns but as soon as Maul does his AOE it is over every time. Not to mention it is annoying AF that I have to watch this 40 second intro movie every time I fail the mission.

  • So I don't know if this was just luck or if maybe there is a bug with the PC client, but I was playing on the PC client and failed every time within a matter of seconds. I picked up my phone and logged in and beat it on the first try without any issue. So this is either BS RNG nightmare or maybe a bug with the PC client.... Hopefully that helps someone.

  • Chumposaur's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    2 months ago

    Not just the PC client. I'm having the same problem in iOS. Not sure how you are supposed to make JJ stronger. Are his stats dependent on the other characters? Can anyone who has them at higher than R5 get through it?


    Edit: was finally able to get through this after a million (well at least 50) attempts. The BN basic to start was a good tip, but the event sure does seem bugged. On the run that actually worked, JJB just seems invulnerable, and maul's swooshes did nothing to him... In so many of the other runs, maul just one-bangs him