Forum Discussion

ninjah9's avatar
7 years ago

Jolee Bindo - Kenobi synergy

I along with many others are very excited about the (working) Bastilla leveling the playing field against the sith. We've all had to deal with the sith being op against the jedi for so long. I was very stoked for Jolee Bindo as he is one of my favorite jedi of all time. I was ready to invest in this character until I found out his healing ability was worded specifically so it wouldn't have synergy with kenobi's lead. I know I'm not alone when saying this was really dissapointing. I have since been holding off on investing in this character. I dont understand why they would do this? I want to hear If someone has an explanation for this. It would make the character so much more fun to use. If you feel the same way please comment or hit the like button so we can hopefully get this changed.
  • Does every toon have to work with every other toon in the faction? I would say no, especially in one as large as jedi. Never saw anyone complaining like mad when savages zeta didnt work with a nihilus lead. Its exactly the same thing. You have to make a choice of who you want in your team and use effectively aa possible.
  • @SoylentGreen: they claim because his ability only heals jedi that it's not a true team heal and therefore doesnt trigger the kenobi swarm ability.

    @Shonkathonk: I'm not saying everybody has to have synergy with everyone. Nobody complained about savage and nihilus because the sith are already stacked as far as OP abilities. We've been so conditioned to accept how op the sith are compared to the jedi that there are literally people freaking out because the jedi got a tenacity boost??? The jedi have only slightly been able to hold their ground because of team synergy. After having to deal with how op the sith were over the jedi for so long, and then finally getting one of my favorite characters and having them specifically nerf his synergy with kenobi (one of the very few reasons to even have a healer at higher levels) was just too annoying to ignore. It makes me want to completely pass on investing in this character and it should be fixed. There's just no legitimate reason to take it away, especially when he is a jedi healer that heals the whole team (if all are jedi) precisely what the kenobi lead requires have the swarm effect.
  • @Ninjah9 when nihilus came out it was definitely not a sith meta at that point but I will agree that jedi at that point did suck. You say nerf the synergy but how can they nerf something before it existed? As other people have said its not really a mass heal. I expect the programming goes something along the lines of check char status: if jedi heal, then repeats not heal all. It may display the same to us but is very different
  • So I think this failure for synergy was planned. Look here:

    Specifically, 3/4 of the way down:
    Because Jolee's "Eh, You Do It" ability is not always a full-team heal--it only affects Jedi allies-- as such it does not interact with the Assist-call effect on General Kenobi's Leader Ability. Since the target restriction on Jolee's healing effect is somewhat uncommon, and we anticipate that many players will use him alongside General Kenobi, we felt that it was important to clarify this interaction up-front to minimize confusion."
  • Btw off topic for a second does anyone know how you get to the "Characters" discussion thread. My discussions keep getting moved here and I can't find this section?
  • "Ninjah9;c-1601783" wrote:
    Btw off topic for a second does anyone know how you get to the "Characters" discussion thread. My discussions keep getting moved here and I can't find this section?

    Feedback, then Characters
  • Thanks, talked to a moderator seems like they want to move it there. Had a hard time finding it