Forum Discussion

DPDJacob's avatar
6 years ago

Just my 6 cents

Post got deleted, thanks CG. Luckily a guildmate was in it and was able to copy the text for me. So here it is again.

Long time player, coming up on 3 years. Been here watching the game change, evolve, become more pay to win.
I get it it's a phone game and CG/EA has to make money, otherwise there is no game.
This is just a list of my suggested QoL, and general changes to make the game better.

1. Hard nodes back to 8 attempts. When I first started hard nodes were 3 attempts each, to be honest I just said no and I never farmed a hard node character for the first 6-12 months. Then I watched it be increased to 5, and evantually 8. Now I'm at the point where i understand that I obviously need to farm hard nodes, duh. CG says they increased it to 8 attempts so "people could farm the toons for Revan and Darth Revan". Which is crap, you increased it, saw that less people had to buy shards with crystals and said "Better take it back to 5 attempts we need more crystal income". I'm not going to claim that I understand your business needs and say that you guys dont need more money. But speaking as a pure f2p player, 8 attempts was a very good balance. Cantina farms still went quicker and but 8 attempts was still a doable amount when trying to farm a toon quickly. I am still farming toons for Darth Revan and won't be done for another month or 2.

2. Make all events simmable. You guys already did it for omega battles, credit heist, and training droids. Which are great, but the events do get very redundant after doing the exact same battle 20 times. The events have a star count for a reason so just let us sim them and get on with our day. One of the biggest complaints I hear from people who have quit the game is it takes too much time out of their day.

3. Some form of gear exchange. After playing for about a year EVERY single player in this game has a ridiculous abundance of most challenge gear. I believe you guys have removed it from all raids now, thank you for that. But we need something to do with this gear. I have talked with other players about a gear exchange. Its s brand new store where you trade in your excess gear for "Geat Currency". Each gear would have a different cost per unit. 1 stun gun salvage would be 100 while trading in the challenge gear would be worth like 10 per unit. Even if we arent trading it for other gear I would love to be able to trade in excess gear for ally points, or credits. I don't have enough ally points for the stun gun in weekly shipments, and I always have mods to use credits on.

4. Better balancing for GA. There are 2 sides to this coin. I am a player where I like to upgrade all my toons whether Im using them or not. I have all toons in the game at Gear 7 level 85, except for 2 not geared up and 2 not unlocked. (Darth Revan and Malak) I have an Alliance mate who is kind of a whale, super efficient with his gear and upgrades and we have opposite problems. He is always winning GA and I have yet to win a GA. He is actually considering quitting because he is very bored with the game, GA in particular. GA opponents should not just be set by GP because depending on the way you play your GP could be inflated like mine, or efficient like his. It should be balanced off 4 stats in my opinion, total gp, number of G11 toons, number of G12 toons, and number of zetas. I have seen many times where you guys have roughly said that this is a game about collecting and upgrading characters, main time I'm referencing is the paper zombie nerf. But GA is the first game mode where I have felt punished for playing the game the way I like to, collecting and upgrading characters.

5. Ability to remove GA/TW defense squads before attack phase starts. We've all had a guildmate, or ourselves fat fingering when we placed a defense squad and then regretted it immediately. Accidentally didn't put the leader in the leader slot, accidentally put a nightsister in with a rebel team, it happens. Saw a guildmates not follow the defense plan laid out, etc. But I see no reason why we can't click on our own squads and simply remove them before the attack phase starts. It would be a very simple but very beneficial QoL update.

6. Ability to view an opposing guilds roster. Most guilds nowadays use one of the many discord bots to strategize for their TWs, and their GAs. In GA we have the ability to look at our opponents roster so we can plan out our defense. We need the same thing for TW, I'm sure many players have seen exactly what my guild does where we try to use the DSR bot to see how many Revans, Darth Revans, Trayas etc the enemy guild has. But without fail the bots get overloaded and either pull old outdated numbers, or don't respond at all. To clarify I appreciate the work everyone puts into these bots and do not blame them at all. I just don't understand why in game we at least can't look at the opposing guilds roster, or even better have a similar system built into the game where we can pick the toons we would like to see and then the game will automatically give us a list of how many each guild has, star levels, gear levels etc.
Don't know if anyone at CG will actually read or care about any of this, but I can at least say I tried.
If you like my ideas or not leave a comment, maybe it its a popular enough post CG will listen.

6 Replies

  • ShaunyVee's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    6 years ago
    Who knows, probably just moved somewhere else.

    I like the idea of a 'star-trek timelines' style replicator.

    Limit to 1 or 2 uses a day, and you can chuck anything you want in it to built it up to 100% of any gear piece you want.

    1. Benefit to customers (daily stun guns)

    2. Benefit to CG (eventually I'll run out of my 10,000+ pieces of useless stuff and be forced to farm more)

    3. Crystal expenditure on refreshes for multiple daily uses.

    We all need the same stuff, we all have the same stuff in droves.

    Why not?
  • No idea, why it got deleted went in to edit it saved it, and it was gone.
  • If you go and edit your posts, it sometimes get picked up by spam filter and deleted. Really nothing that sinister going around lol.
  • I like 1, 2, 3, and 5.

    4 (GA match making) I disagree. The problem with matching based on other factors is that this is a game primarily about allocation of resources and the closer the match making is to "perfect" or "fair" the less important that becomes. What's the point of working on a ga squad if it just means you'll face opponents with better squads too. So you almost have to have an arbitrary factor like time in the game or gp used for matching. And this will lead to hyper efficient players and hyper inefficient players having uneven matches. But I think the change would be worse for most players.

    6. I'm fine with that if it's feasible. Though my concern is it may cause more lag issues than it fixes. Amd with 3rd party apps those that would use it already do. So I'd much rather have the ideas I mentioned I like first.
  • "DarkHelmet1138;c-1853843" wrote:
    I like 1, 2, 3, and 5.

    4 (GA match making) I disagree. The problem with matching based on other factors is that this is a game primarily about allocation of resources and the closer the match making is to "perfect" or "fair" the less important that becomes. What's the point of working on a ga squad if it just means you'll face opponents with better squads too. So you almost have to have an arbitrary factor like time in the game or gp used for matching. And this will lead to hyper efficient players and hyper inefficient players having uneven matches. But I think the change would be worse for most players.

    6. I'm fine with that if it's feasible. Though my concern is it may cause more lag issues than it fixes. Amd with 3rd party apps those that would use it already do. So I'd much rather have the ideas I mentioned I like first.

    I can see where you're coming from on 4. It will never be perfect either way.

    My main reason for number 6 is my guild uses the DSR Bot for our TWs and GAs. As its an independently ran bot their servers have crashed at the beginning of the last 4 or 5 TWs, and every round in the last 4 or 5 GAs.
    Even if it wasnt something like the bot simply being able to view the opposing guilds roster would be very simple and wouldn't cause any problems that I could see. It would basically just be granting each guild temporary access to view the enemy guild, they already have it for GA so i dont think it would cause them any issues.
  • "DPDJacob;c-1854631" wrote:
    "DarkHelmet1138;c-1853843" wrote:
    I like 1, 2, 3, and 5.

    4 (GA match making) I disagree. The problem with matching based on other factors is that this is a game primarily about allocation of resources and the closer the match making is to "perfect" or "fair" the less important that becomes. What's the point of working on a ga squad if it just means you'll face opponents with better squads too. So you almost have to have an arbitrary factor like time in the game or gp used for matching. And this will lead to hyper efficient players and hyper inefficient players having uneven matches. But I think the change would be worse for most players.

    6. I'm fine with that if it's feasible. Though my concern is it may cause more lag issues than it fixes. Amd with 3rd party apps those that would use it already do. So I'd much rather have the ideas I mentioned I like first.

    I can see where you're coming from on 4. It will never be perfect either way.

    My main reason for number 6 is my guild uses the DSR Bot for our TWs and GAs. As its an independently ran bot their servers have crashed at the beginning of the last 4 or 5 TWs, and every round in the last 4 or 5 GAs.
    Even if it wasnt something like the bot simply being able to view the opposing guilds roster would be very simple and wouldn't cause any problems that I could see. It would basically just be granting each guild temporary access to view the enemy guild, they already have it for GA so i dont think it would cause them any issues.

    If it was just viewing the opposing guilds rosters, you are right that probably wouldn't cause performance issues. But it wouldn't be terribly useful either.

    I know I don't want to spend hours going through 50 rosters and looking to see what every member has.

    And if they make a tool that summarizes that data it will take development time and use server resources. And I'm ok with it as long as it doesn't slow the game too much. But lately, I've had quite a bit of lag just simming battles so I definitely don't want that made worse.

    And the fact that the 3rd party bots don't seem to handle the load well doesn't bode well for an in game bot handling it well running with everything else already going on.

    I'm sure with enough work it could be made to work but I'd much rather they handle the bigger issues first. But that's just my opinion.