11 months ago
Kit Concept - PROXY
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Light Side, Tank, Empire, Droid
Unpredictable Droid who mimics Jedi to provide Health recovery and bonus Turn Meter.
BASIC: Consular's Offensive (Final Text, Omega)
Deal Physical damage to target enemy and reduce the cooldowns on all Unaligned Force User allies by 1, then gain Taunt for 1 turn. If this character already had Taunt, all allies gain Health Steal Up for 1 turn instead. All Empire allies then gain Turn Meter equal to half of PROXY's current Health percentage.
Note: This attack uses the same appearance and animation as Jedi Consular's basic ability.
SPECIAL 1: Give Me The Target (Final Text, Zeta) 3-turn cooldown
Deal Special damage to all enemies, inflict Ability Block for 2 turns and increase the cooldowns on all enemies with Shock by 1. All allies with Health Steal Up recover Health equal to their current Turn Meter and, if PROXY had Taunt, he dispels it and deals True damage to all enemies with Daze, then grants all allies Defence Up and Defence Penetration Up for 2 turns which can't be prevented.
Note: This attack uses the same appearance and animation as Jedi Knight Guardian's special ability.
UNIQUE: Primary Programming (Final Text, Omicron)
PROXY has +20% Health Steal for every Empire or Unaligned Force User ally, increased by an additional 20% if he is Taunting. Unaligned Force User allies also gain Potency and Health Steal equal to the highest percentages of the following: Counter Chance, Critical Chance, Defence, Defence Penetration, Offence.
While in Grand Arenas and there is an ally Starkiller with an upgraded Omcron: At the start of the battle, PROXY gains the Jedi tag. Whenever an Unaligned Force User ally or the ally in the Leader slot uses a Basic ability, PROXY is called to Assist and that ally gains 25% Turn Meter and +4% Health Steal (stacking), doubled if they were Dark Side. Enemies with Buff Immunity or Healing Immunity cannot receive bonus Turn Meter and are Stunned for 1 turn when these effects expire.
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BASIC: Consular's Offensive (Final Text, Omega)
Deal Physical damage to target enemy and reduce the cooldowns on all Unaligned Force User allies by 1, then gain Taunt for 1 turn. If this character already had Taunt, all allies gain Health Steal Up for 1 turn instead. All Empire allies then gain Turn Meter equal to half of PROXY's current Health percentage.
Note: This attack uses the same appearance and animation as Jedi Consular's basic ability.
SPECIAL 1: Give Me The Target (Final Text, Zeta) 3-turn cooldown
Deal Special damage to all enemies, inflict Ability Block for 2 turns and increase the cooldowns on all enemies with Shock by 1. All allies with Health Steal Up recover Health equal to their current Turn Meter and, if PROXY had Taunt, he dispels it and deals True damage to all enemies with Daze, then grants all allies Defence Up and Defence Penetration Up for 2 turns which can't be prevented.
Note: This attack uses the same appearance and animation as Jedi Knight Guardian's special ability.
UNIQUE: Primary Programming (Final Text, Omicron)
PROXY has +20% Health Steal for every Empire or Unaligned Force User ally, increased by an additional 20% if he is Taunting. Unaligned Force User allies also gain Potency and Health Steal equal to the highest percentages of the following: Counter Chance, Critical Chance, Defence, Defence Penetration, Offence.
While in Grand Arenas and there is an ally Starkiller with an upgraded Omcron: At the start of the battle, PROXY gains the Jedi tag. Whenever an Unaligned Force User ally or the ally in the Leader slot uses a Basic ability, PROXY is called to Assist and that ally gains 25% Turn Meter and +4% Health Steal (stacking), doubled if they were Dark Side. Enemies with Buff Immunity or Healing Immunity cannot receive bonus Turn Meter and are Stunned for 1 turn when these effects expire.