Forum Discussion

genghisx's avatar
New Hotshot
2 years ago

Krayt Dragon Rewards Need an Overhaul

It's a brand new raid so I'm not trying to be overly negative but hopefully we'll see some changes.
What I like: The art is very cool and the overall feel of the raid is very different from previous raids in a good way. The damage caps are good, in theory, and I like that everyone needs to pitch in.
What I dislike: The reward structure and payout are all terrible.
If we look at the Title Update Post, Meathead said
By completing up to just individual Milestone 5 and Guild Milestone 3, players will obtain a significant portion of tokens to purchase early stage gear. This quantity of currency can be used to obtain items consistent with the previous reward value.

Taking him at his word, that means that you need 1.7M individual and 73M across the guild to hit those milestones which is one R7 team, two R3 teams, or one R5 + one R1 team in the required factions (assuming they can hit the damage cap... looking at you, Jawas) just to get back to where you were last week if your guild was clearing all the available raids. Even if that's not a major ask, any new requirement just to get the same rewards you were getting before is ridiculous.
Except that quote is not even correct. If you look at the great analysis done by Dolphin Buff Man on Reddit, you need the 7th personal box and 5th guild box just to break even on purple gear and aeros and even maxed out on both tracks (more on that in a second) you're way behind on G12 gear, guild tokens, GET 1 and 2, and ship credits compared to previous rewards. The guild token loss, in particular, really hurts newer players and their ability to star up and gear up characters. It's 2.55M for the 7th personal which is most of an R8 attempt, an R7 + an R3, two R5s + a bit... just for reference.
The counter argument is that you get more choice of what to spend on, which completely ignores the loss of GET but is anyone really happy with "instead of random gear you can get half as much gear of your choice if you invest in these specific teams"? And the bloated shipment page is a pain to navigate.
Finally, the final chest requires 520M which is 10.4M per player or 2x R8 runs and 3x R7 runs. Leaving aside whether some teams (Jawas, Tuskens) can even max those runs at those relic levels, that's a pretty huge ask for a raid model that is designed to be frequently updated (12 months? 18 months?).
You can't just raise the caps because some teams (BAM, Jabba) can max whatever cap you put out while others can't even hit the current caps. So I would suggest cutting the point requirements for the individual and raid tiers by quite a bit.

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