"Gluckychou;c-1924700" wrote:
Malak will make it impossible for many players in division 1/2.
In division 4 though, i'm lacking 10000 points to get the Kyber divisions, which means 4 wins with 4 clean, given that I lost 1 already. It's definitly doable (because there is still 5 rounds to do it) by a large amount of players there.
Think about this....
If you have a bracket and 8 of those people have G12 maxxed Malak god teams.... only ONE ....only ONE of them will reach kyber...remember that... Kyber is so elite that even people who spent fortunes will not see kyber
it only takes one loss really maybe two but if matching puts stronger against stronger (which may prove to be false from reports about matchs) only the gods of gods will EVER see kyber
And then the Powerball lottery guys who somehow are so magically lucky to get 12 squish matches that will never happen again in 1000 years may make kyber...
It's not something to even strive for...Kyber was determined the second this thing was put into place.... and the best of the best SHOULD not even be making kyber because they should be facing each other...
Now that seems to a bad way to make whales unhappy...spending 100k and not making kyber cause your fighting other guys who spent 100k..
Think about that when you want to know if the matchmaking puts the best against the best to find out who the best is.... because it CANNOT work that way because only 1 in 8 super uber whales fighing each other in a bracket would make kyber.....
so I think whatever formula they use has to at least account to let enough uber spenders the chance at kyber by never facing god teams of their own (it will happen but probably on a much lesser scale than it should)
Round 4 should be all gods vs gods and chumps vs me in the end...but it wont be.....to many uber spenders would be locked out of kyber and that's BAD for everyone